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被戳中了嗎?? 老外用來區分華人的30條規律!


1.You look like you are18.你看起來好像才18歲(東方人普遍看起來年輕,呵呵)

2.You like to eat chicken feet.你喜歡吃雞腳

3.You suck on fish heads and fish fins.你吃魚時會吸魚頭和魚鰭(他們都是直接切掉的)

4.You have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on your rear view mirror.你的車子後視鏡上會弔中國擺設

5.You sing karaoke.你唱KTV(唐人街才有的玩意兒)

6.Your house is covered with tile.你的房子鋪的是瓷磚(老外都是木板)

7.Your kitchen is covered by a sticky film of grease.你的廚房覆蓋着一層厚厚的油脂(愛炒東西的緣故)

8.Your stove is covered with aluminum foil.你的爐子上面有鋁箔

9.You leave the plastic covers on your remote control.你的遙控器外面包着塑料(這。。。什麼年代的老外啊)

10.You"ve never kissed your mom or dad.你從沒吻過你父母(太含蓄)

11.You"ve never hugged your mom or dad.你從沒抱過你父母(幼兒園時算不算?)

12.Your unassisted vision is worse than20/500.你的視覺想像力低於20/500(不知啥意思)

13.You wear contacts,to avoid wearing your"coke bottle glasses".你戴隱形眼鏡,這樣才能避免戴你的"瓶底眼鏡"

14.You"ve worn glasses since you were in fifth grade.你五年級開始就戴眼鏡了.(中國人都是愛學習的好孩子...怎麼又跟眼鏡有關?)

15.Your hair sticks up when you wake up.你睡醒後頭髮會豎起來.

16.You"ll haggle over something that is not negotiable.你會為一些不可質疑的事情辯論.(無理取鬧???)

17.You love to use coupons.你喜歡用折價券.(勤儉節約~~)

18.You drive around looking for the cheapest petrol.你為了最便宜的汽油費不惜開着車子到處找.

19.You drive around for hours looking for the best parking space.你開着車子兜圈為了找到最好的停車位.

20.You take showers at night.你晚上洗澡.(你管的多)

21.You avoid the non-free snacks in hotel rooms.旅店房間裏的非免費食品你都不吃.(那些東西都是over-charged了的,誰那麼笨啊)

22.You don"t mind squeezing20people into one motel room.你不介意二十個人擠一間汽車旅房.(那也太摳門了吧...)

23.Most girls have more body hair than you,if you are male.如果你是男人,那麼你身上的體毛比大多數女人少.(又不是大猩猩,老子要那麼多體毛幹什麼?)

24.You tap the table when someone pours tea for you.別人為你倒茶你就用手敲一下桌子.(這是禮貌好嗎。。。)

25.You say"Aiya!"and"Wah!"frequently.你經常說"哎(二聲)呀(四聲)"和"哇(四聲)".

26.You don"t want to wear your seatbelt because it is uncomfortable.你不喜歡系安全帶因為安全帶讓你感覺不舒服.(暈~~~~~~~)

27.You love Las Vegas,slot machines,and blackjack.你喜歡拉斯維加斯,老虎機和二十一點.

28.You unwrap Christmas gifts very carefully,so you can reuse the paper.你細心地打開你的聖誕節禮物,因為你要留着包裝紙再用.

29.You only buy Christmas cards after Christmas,when they are50%off.你只會在聖誕節後買聖誕卡,因為他們打了五折.(這。。。)

30.You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table.你的廚房桌子上有一條抹布。(老外只有紙巾)

責任編輯: 宋雲  來源:百度文庫 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
