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A crowd of Islamic Uyghur men exit the Idkah Mosque (built 1442 AD) after prayer time in Kashgar during the ongoing holy month of Ramadan, China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Friday 13 October 2006. While under the sovereignty of China's capital, Islamic Kashgar is located about 3,800 km from Beijing yet less than 400 km from Pakistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Business and work in the city slows down considerably during Ramadan, a period of abstinence during daylight hours from food, alcohol, smoking and sexual intercourse. Foto: EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS +++(c) dpa - Report+++


A Han Chinese paramilitary police officer rides a camel at the Apak Hojak Tomb, established in 1640 to commemorate the late influential king of the Islamic Uyhgur ethnic group in Kashgar, China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Monday 29 August 2005. The Islamic Uyghurs comprise 75% of Kashgar's population and are the largest ethnic group in the autonomous region yet major industries such as oil, transportation and banking are controlled by Beijing. Xinjiang, which is five times geographically larger than France, was once a thriving part of the Silk Road until after the Tang Dynasty (618AD - 907AD) but is now mired in poverty compared with other regions of China. Foto: MICHAEL REYNOLDS +++(c) dpa - Report+++





Chinese Hui Muslim men pray inside the Niujie Mosque on the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in Beijing Monday, Aug. 1, 2011. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)



2009年的新疆7.5事件後,新疆地區加強了維穩措施。據中國媒體報道,新疆法院近日以"組織、領導、參加恐怖組織"以及"煽動分裂國家"的罪名判處 20名維吾爾人1年零6個月到15年不等的有期徒刑。伊利哈木認為,在實施嚴厲的維穩措施的地區,禁止幹部、職工、學生封齋的做法即便暫時不會引起強烈的反抗,但從長遠來講,會加深民族間的隔閡,信徒的不滿以及社會的不穩定。


責任編輯: 劉詩雨  來源:DW 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
