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兩中央鬥爭 人民日報海外放風試水:軍方進常

〝薄王事件〞導致中共高層大地震後,中國政局的未來走向一直成為世界關注的焦點,然而由於中共的黑箱作業,外界只能不斷的猜測和揣摩。中共博弈的各方也不斷放出風聲,試探外界反應。 7月3號,官方媒體刊文,聲稱過去十年的所謂輝煌成就,是在由黨、政、軍組成的9人中央政治局常委領導下取得的,不僅否定了早前有關政治局常委由9人變7人的傳言,也篡改了〝軍人從不入常〞的歷史事實,評論認為,官媒的這篇報導,是支持軍方入常的一方,在利用輿論造勢和試探外界反應。

7月3號,《人民日報》海外版刊登了一篇題為〝輝煌十年,中國成功之道在哪裏〞的文章,文章聲稱,過去10年是中國全面發展的〝輝煌十年〞 ,而這些輝煌成績的取得,在於有一個好的中央政治局常委為中國正確決策。並且寫道,中央政治局常委會由9名成員組成,分別代表黨、國家和〝軍隊〞等八大領導機構。


伍凡:〝軍隊增加了,軍費會增加,老百姓分到的部分就會較少,更加減少了。 老百姓的工資、教育、環保、醫療,經濟建設都要減少了嘛,那這個大餅分得少,那矛盾就更會增加了,就會反對共產黨,搞不好共產黨就會推翻掉。〞



文章中說,中共的政治局常委形成了中國特色的〝集體總統制〞 。


伍凡:〝總統要受制於國會,國會要制約它,還有最高法院可以制約他,這個有沒有啊?你說集體總統制,那麼人大有沒有制約這個總統制啊?沒有嘛。它完全是聽共產黨的嘛, 9個常委是共產黨常委,不是總統唉,他們自己在吹牛皮,自己封官,很無恥很無恥。〞





採訪編輯/劉惠 後制/鍾元 [next]

Chinese State Media Spreads Rumors on Military Seat?

The Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun incidents shocked
high-levels of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The future direction of China
is becoming an international focus.
The nature of the CCP is to cover up the truth,
so outsiders can only guess what's going on.
Different factions continue to spread rumors,
trying to test public response.
On July 3, official state media reported that all
the remarkable achievements made over last ten years
were led by the nine members of Standing Committee.
This includes the Party, Government and Military.
This not only denied rumors that
the nine members will reduce to seven.
It tampered with history, in that the military
won't have seats in the Central Committee.
Commentators believe that the purpose of this report
is for pro-military to have seats in the Central Committee.
They are using media as propaganda to test public reaction.

On July 3, the overseas version of People's Daily
published an article.
The article was called, 「Remarkable 10 Tens Years,
Reveals the Direction of Success」
It claimed that the last ten years are outstanding years
in which China developed as a whole.
This was attributed to the Central Committee
leading China to make the right decisions.
The Central Committee has nine members, representing
8 apparatus, including the Party, Government and Military.

Wu Fan, Chief Editor for China Affairs believes that the
purpose of the article is to pave the way for the Central Committee, and to test public reactions.
Wu Fan said that if the military can achieve their purpose,
China will become a military-led country.
This will speed up the collapse of the CCP.

Wu Fan: 「If the military is enlarged, the cost will increase.
Citizens will get less, so the situation becomes even worse.
Salaries, education, environment, national health,
and the economy will decline.
People will gain less, which will increase conflict.

They will stand against the CCP,
and finally, the CCP will be overthrown.」

In the history of the CCP, there were only
five members of the Standing Committee.
After Jiang Zemin came into power, he increased the number
of Standing Committee members to nine, to increase control.
After the Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun
incidents, Jiang's power weakened.
Recently, rumors suggested that nine members
will reduce to seven.

Wu Fan: 「If they keep nine members,
the military has a great chance to have a seat.
If they reduce to seven, the military won't have chance.

They can remove the Political and Legislative Affairs
Committee (PLAC) or the Ministry of Propaganda,
and replace them with military, a military man.」

The People's Daily article said the Standing Committee forms
the Chinese character of a collective presidential system.

Wu Fan pointed out that CCP was praising itself,
and deceiving the Chinese people.
In a democratic country, the president is elected.

However, the CCP isn't elected, therefore
it is fundamentally different.

Wu Fan: 「A President is subject to Congress,
the Congress can restrict them.
In addition, the Supreme Court is able to restrict them.
Does this exist in China?
If you want a collective presidential system, can
the People's Congress the restrict presidential system? No.
It is under the CCP's control. The nine members
are CCP members, but not under a president's control.
They are talking big, but just promoting themselves.
It's disgraceful, shameful.」

Lan Shu, current affairs commentator said that members
of reducing the members of the Standing Committee from nine to seven is good for Hu Jintao.
He can control the highest levels of the Central CCP.

However, even if they kept nine members,
the PLAC won't be included again.

Lan Shu: 「The article was manipulated
by Li Changchun's propaganda system.
They hope to keep nine members, to have a chance
to recommend a military man from Jiang Zemin's faction.
They want this man to enter into the next Standing Committee
and replace the PLAC. This is one possibility.
Another possibility is that now Jiang's faction
has gone downhill, and has weakened.
However, the push to promote a military man
could also be from Hu Jintao's side.」

The article also claimed that over the past 10 years,
China made remarkable achievements.
It stated that it effectively dealt with SARS,
and made a timely response to the Wenchuan Earthquake.

Wu Fan said that the CCP has covered up SARS.

In the Wenchuan earthquake, many children died
because of poorly constructed buildings.
These incidents have been condemned worldwide, but now
they use it to deceive people. The public don't trust it at all.

責任編輯: zhongkang  來源:新唐人 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
