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Interim CCP Branch Set Up in South Africa During Xi Jinping Visit


China's President Xi Jinping recently attended the

fifth annual BRICS summit, held in South Africa.

This is Xi's first official state visit, and is considered

an extension of China's past foreign policies.

Political observers say that Xi's trip may create

the new direction of China's foreign diplomacy.

However, news came that five accompanying

journalists have set up an interim Chinese Communist Party(CCP) branch.

Does Xi Jinping represent China or the CCP during

his trip overseas? Let's see our news analysis.

Li Bin and some other Xinhua News Agency

reporters accompanied Xi Jinping's trip overseas.

In a news report, Li Bin said that five accompanying

journalists have set up an interim Party branch.

A netizen posted,"This is news that

makes me sick to the maximum extent.

It values nothing, but lets all other

countries look down on us."

Hu Jun, chief of NGO Human Rights Campaign

in China, commented on the issue in Twitter.

Hu Jun:"I also comment that this is an example

of what Xi Jinping calls'making ado about nothing.'

The CCP has always done such stupid things.

Five people set up a Party branch, for what?

Without the Party, can't they lead a normal life?

China has suffered for over60 years just

due to being under the reign of this CCP!"

A netizen asked,"What does he want to say?

Will they maintain or disband this

Party branch after returning to China?

Does it means without the Party's leadership, it's impossible

for them to make reports on such important high-level visits?

So they want to set up another

Xinhua News Agency, don't they?"

Sun Wenguang, a retired professor

from Shandong University, comments.

The CCP has a principle of ensuring

its absolute control of the army.

"A company size of troops shall set up a Party branch."

But now even a journalist team

has to set up a Party branch.

Sun Wenguang:"Even when they're abroad,

they're still under the Party's control.

Xi's entourage may not all be the Party members.

So the Party needs its members

to separately play their roles.

Then a Party branch has to be set up,

to strengthen the Party's leadership."

On March27, Taiwan's Central News Agency

(CAN) reported Xi Jinping's first stop, in Russia.

In high-profile, Xi talked about his「China Dream」, whilst

Vladimir Putin advocated reviving a"powerful Russia."

Both promised to support each other.

Xi was invited to visit Russia's Ministry of Defense, which

seems to deepen both sides'political& military exchanges.

It presents an important implication of「allying with

Russia, against the U.S.", according to the news report.

Sun Wenguang adds that Xi Jinping represents

the CCP during this international trip.

Nowadays, China's foreign diplomacy

is actually the CCP's, he says.

Sun Wenguang:"A nation's status shall

always come first, before a political party.

But in China, the CCP overrides the country,

it leads the State Council, and even courts.

Now the Party branch even

appears in a news reporter team."

Ms. Lee, China Netizen:"CCP media, Xi Jinping's

visits abroad, and the interim Party branch,

all these serve the Party and this dictatorship."

China writer Tian You posted a comment on the internet.

"Xi Jinping's five accompanying journalists set up an interim

Party branch. I just wonder, are they all Party members?

No wonder the daily news

reports have spoken for the Party."

Hu Jun:"Setting up a Party branch is to

monitor the Party members. It's a very evil act.

If you have different views and don't support

Xi Jinping's speeches, you'll be punished."

In his visit to Tanzania, Xi Jinping promised that

China will offer US$20 Billion in credit to Africa.

And more investment, financing and other

cooperation will be expanded in the future.

The CNA quoted Yan Zhensheng,

Taiwan-Africa Forum CEO.

He said that Xi Jinping's visit to Africa is

to cement its role as a Third World leader.

Also, the African trip aims to display that"Beijing

Consensus" differs from the「Washington Consensus".

What are the next diplomatic acts that Xi Jinping

will show to the world? Let『s wait and see.




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