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抱着〝炸彈〞 中共十八大玩擊鼓傳花





臨近十八大,體制內外沒有人不期待變革。中共一方面加緊控制言論,加強維穩;另一方面,又企圖通過領導層換屆,提升人民對自己的希望和信心,把政權〝擊鼓傳花〞傳下去, 因此放出〝十八大代表透明、公開選出〞、〝新領導班子令人『耳目一新』〞、〝政治體制改革〞等等消息。








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CCP Can Only "Pass The Bomb"

Hong Kong media published an article that China is facing
both internal and external crises before the 18th Congress,
but the Chinese media do not mention anything about this.

Experts think, not only the media, but the government too
dares not face the consequences of their many years of rule.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can only'pass the bomb'
to each other, they cannot escape the sinking ship.

Hong Kong'South China Morning Post' said on August 21,
that China is facing both internal and external difficulties.
And that many negative factors appear in politics,
diplomacy, economy and society, etc.
Like Diaoyu Island's dispute, China's economy slowdown,
and the protests throughout the country.
Yet, before the 18th Congress, the mainland media steps up
singing the old praises and mentions nothing about the crises.

Commentator Heng He thinks the reason is the accumulated
contradictions in the Chinese society from the CCP's ruling.

Heng He: "Now, it (CCP) has no room to move anymore.
If it moves a little, it will collapse.
Thus after Wang Lijun' and Bo Xilai's incidents it only tries
to maintain the current situation, while solving the problem.
It dares not move, if it moves, it will collapse."

The time of CCP's 18th Congress is approaching, thus inside
and outside the system nobody is expecting a change.
On one hand the CCP continuously controls
the public speech and focuses on maintaining stability.
On the other it tries to lift people's hopes and confidence
in the new leaders'election, as to pass down the regime.
Thus they talk about 「18th Congress representatives elected
transparently and publicly," "the new leadership's new look," "political reform," etc.

Heng He pointed out that Wen Jiabao had mentioned
about political reform many times before.
However, under the CCP no political reform will work,
as any move will harm the benefits of its interests groups.

Heng He: "A new political system means change;
it is not about correcting internally the system and structure.
It is to change the political system through removing CCP's
dogmas and control over media, speech, beliefs, etc.
This means the CCP will collapse,
thus it can only 'pass the bomb' until it explodes."

Political commentator and editor-in-chief of'Beijing Spring'
magazine, Hu Ping shared his views on the issue too.
Hu thinks June 4'89 event was a chance for political reform,
and some CCP officials could've been elected by the public.
But now the authorities neither have the courage,
nor the willingness to carry out a political system'reform.

Hu Ping: "Now the CCP as a group, from top to bottom are
corrupted to this point, not to mention the past debts it owes to the people, including the June 4th,
After which came the Falun Gong's persecution,
then the suppression of the human rights activists, etc..
So, if they open the system, a large number of CCP officials,
will be liquidated, considering their economic corruption, not to mention their political sins."

If the political reform is just an illusion, how can the CCP
solve both current difficulties, internal and external?
Hu Ping believes, now the CCP hopes for luck, and intends
to continue relying on suppression to maintain the regime.

Hu Ping: "It (CCP) will continue to rely on high-suppression
of the people to maintain its' regime status.
It believes China is a big country, all opposition forces can't
rise simultaneously, so CCP can handle them individually.
The consequences of this would be disasters for the country
and the people, plus a bad end for the CCP."

Heng He believes the 18th Congress is just a re-distribution
of power within the CCP, it will not affect the entire process of China's development.
The officials have seen that with or without making a move,
this party is coming to an end.
Thus their only option seems to be the 'naked'official,
where they send their wealth and families overseas, and are on a 'stand by' to flee themselves too.
CCP officials have already been doing this for a while,
and now this trend is spreading to the entire ruling party.




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