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中共間諜活躍 歐洲現大批神秘人







德國首例中共〝 610〞間諜案,於2011年6月8號宣判,被告人周超英被判處緩刑兩年,並被處以1萬5千歐元的罰款,周超英是第一個,由於為中共情報機構刺探海外法輪功團體的情報,而被判刑的德國華裔。中共當局打壓法輪功的核心機構〝610辦公室〞也因此在德國社會曝光。






仲維光:〝 做這種事情的人,如果他是線民的話,他一旦上了這條船,他就很難下船。在他遇到危險的時候,中共是不會救他的。他會發現他撿了芝麻,丟了西瓜。凡是從事這種活動,為一個極權國家,為一個非正義國家,為邪惡政權工作的,大家都知道,在歷史上都沒有好下場。過去在東德有很多很多為共產黨直接、間接為秘密警察工作的人,柏林圍牆倒了以後,這些人都直接、間接受到了懲罰或報應。〞


採訪編輯/秦雪 後制/鍾元

CCP Spies Active in Europe

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
says Chinese spies are active in Germany.
They spy on local anti-CCP' (Chinese Communist Party)
groups, like Falun Gong, Uighurs, and Tibetans.
German Chinese scholars noted,
that a lot of unidentified persons appear in Europe.
Last June, a spy of CCP's Office 610 was put on trial
for the first time in Germany.
The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
has been tracking and monitoring the spy for four years.
A scholar disclosed, this person had spied not only
on Falun Gong practitioners, but on other dissidents too.

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
wrote in its last year's report that
there are quite a few Chinese intelligence agencies active
in Germany.
The spies mostly collect economic and political information,
but also information on groups, antagonistic to CCP.
They observe, collect, and process intelligence
on Falun Gong practitioners, Uighurs, and Tibetans.

The report says, 「Chinese intelligence agencies
use different ways when collecting information.
They are cautious and patient towards Germany,
but straight forward towards Chinese people.」
There are about 79 000 Chinese people living in Germany
which is a big potential for CCP's intelligence agencies.

According to the report, four Chinese spies
were sentenced in Germany in 2011.
Three of them are Chinese citizens,
who were sentenced to probation in Munich.
The fourth is German-Chinese, warned by Celle's Supreme
Court for collecting and sending Falun Gong' data to China.

Zhong Weiguang, German-Chinese scholar, who graduated
from the Institute of Natural Sciences' History,
studied Chinese intellectuals and thoughts at
the Ruhr-University.
He says many unidentified persons
appeared in Europe in the last few years.

Zhong Weiguang: 「During these years, every Chinese
student and scholar can feel they are under observation.
Many of them got interference and troubles
when going to the Chinese Consulate for visas.
If you act against the CCP,
this is what you get from CCP's spies.
Also, we deeply feel that many unidentified persons
appear suddenly in Europe, like in Germany for example.
Those people pose potential threats to the society.」

The first CCP Office 610 Spy Case
was adjudged in Germany on June 8, 2011.
The defendant Zhou Chaoying was sentenced
to probation for two years and a fine of €150,000.
Zhou is the first German-Chinese who was sentenced
for collecting Falun Gong information for the CCP.
The Office 610 is used by the CCP to suppress Falun Gong,
and was exposed in Germany because of this case.

Zhou collected intelligence on Falun Gong practitioners
for CCP agencies and Office 610 since March 2006.
The information included network servers' passwords
of Falun Gong practitioners and their personal information.

The German anti-spy organization,
Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution,
spent four years tracking Zhou, after he met
with the 610' officer Chen Bin in a down town Berlin' hotel.
German police found Zhou's address in Germany
in May 2010 and started investigation on him.

Zhong Weiguang disclosed that Zhou Chaoying contacted
him too and asked him for information on dissidents.

Zhong Weiguang: 「For instance, when I met this guy,
it was at an art exhibition during Chinese New Year.
When I met him, he asked me what activities
are being held by dissidents in Frankfurt.」

Zhong also thinks people who work for the CCP's regime
will not end good. He suggests the spies stop doing that.

Zhong Weiguang: 「People who get involved in this,
once they step on this boat, they can hardly get off.
When they are in danger, CCP won't help them.
Then they 'll find out they sacrificed themselves.
People who participated in this for a totalitarian state,
for evil regimes, none of them ended good in history.
In the past, anyone who worked for a communist party
or a secret police in East Germany, got punished or ended up badly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.」

Zhou Chaoying's indictment says, Office 610 was built
for the suppression of Falun Gong, and it is part of CCP's intelligence agencies network.
Zhou's information on Falun Gong for Office 610
violated Germany's Criminal Law Article 99, Espionage.
It was emphasized in the court that Germany can't accept
such espionage and will expose those CCP' crimes.




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