以色列軍方17日表示,正在查證是否已經擊斃巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯領導人辛瓦(Yahya Sinwar)。自2017年以來,辛瓦一直領導加薩地區的哈瑪斯組織,並自1980年代初加入該組織。據信,辛瓦是10月7日襲擊事件的策劃者。以色列《N12News》新聞台於社群媒體官方賬號指出,辛瓦身份檢測已經做完,目前已經證實了他的身份。
During IDF operations in Gaza, 3 terrorists were eliminated. The IDF and ISA are checking the possibility that one of the terrorists was Yahya Sinwar. At this stage, the identity of the terrorists cannot be confirmed.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 17, 2024
In the building where the terrorists were eliminated, there…