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這一幕恰好被坐在後面車子中的 Ben Govender拍下~只是沒想到下一秒悲劇就發生了!

目睹整個過程的38歲男遊客 Ben Govender,是住在動物園區附近的工程師。當時 Ben和母親還有其他兩位從印度飛來的朋友一起參觀園區,他說:「我們決定帶朋友參觀當地能真正近距離看獅子的野生園地。前方SUV一停在兩隻獅子旁,司機就把車窗搖下來,乘客也因此這麼做,我就想說這大概是為了拍照才這麼做的吧。」


這位被攻擊致死的美國籍女遊客,身分已經確定是29歲的電影剪輯師 Katherine Chappell也是曾獲艾美獎的電影《權力的遊戲》(Game of Thrones)剪輯師。


Wake: Family and friends gathered at a funeral home in Rye, New York yesterday to pay their respects to Miss Chappell

Loved: The29-year-old has been described as a'brilliant, kind, adventurous and high-spirited' woman in a statement from her family

Final farewell: Her funeral will be held tomorrow in Rye, the suburb of New York where Miss Chappell grew up. Above, crowds at the wake

Response: A police van arrives at the Lion Park to help investigate Miss Chappell's death. The park has remained open

Success: Miss Chappell pictured with director Danny Boyle, left, and with Thomas Schelesny, who won an Emmy for Game of Thrones

責任編輯: 夏雨荷  來源:看新奇 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
