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《經濟學人》解讀美國對中共的圍堵戰略 英中文

《經濟學人》解讀美國對中[共]國的圍堵戰略 (英中文)


They have returned

China should worry less about America’s 「containment」 strategy and more about why the neighbours welcome it

Aug 12th 2010

SYMBOLIC gestures come in all shapes and sizes, but few as imposing as that of the USS George Washington, a ship more than three football-pitches long, and capable of carrying 85 aircraft and more than 6,200 people. But even symbols of such massive heft can be interpreted in various ways. The George Washington has just been in the South China Sea, off the coast of Danang, once home to one of the American army’s biggest bases in Vietnam. Fifteen years after the opening of diplomatic relations, and 35 years since the end of the Vietnam war, the carrier’s visit, and the joint naval exercises that followed, were striking tokens of reconciliation. But observers in China saw a different sort of gesture: not so much a handshake with a former enemy; more a brandished fist towards a potential one, their own country.

Vituperative Chinese commentators detected an old bogey: an American attempt to 「contain」 China by bolstering alliances with its neighbours. China’s leaders were more restrained (or perhaps just slower off the mark). But the South China Morning Post reported that Hu Jintao, the president, was in enough of a huff about this and other slights to contemplate delaying a visit to America. Just when the ice that formed after the Sino-American climate-change tiff in Copenhagen in December seemed to have melted, a new chill has set in. 「Sweet-mouthed」 American politicians, lamented Global Times, an English-language Chinese newspaper, 「stab you in the back when you are not looking.」

Chinese analysts can point to an impressive array of American 「provocations」 to justify their fulminations. They cited reports that America is in talks on nuclear co-operation with Vietnam, and that, in an apparent reversal for its non-proliferation efforts, the Obama administration is not insisting that Vietnam forswear enriching its own uranium. As with America’s 2008 nuclear deal with India, China scented double standards.

China also faced an unsettling experience in July, at the annual ASEAN Regional Forum organised by the Association of South-East Asian Nations. This usually soporific security talking-shop, held this year in Hanoi, saw Hillary Clinton, America’s secretary of state, declare the South China Sea a 「national interest」. When 12 of the 27 countries there spoke up for a new approach to solving their maritime disputes, China sniffed co-ordination—nay, conspiracy—especially when Vietnam swiftly stepped up its protests about Chinese activities in disputed waters.

Before her jaunt to Vietnam, the George Washington had been taking part in joint exercises with South Korean forces. Respecting Chinese sensitivities, she did not exercise in the Yellow Sea, just off China’s coast. But a Pentagon spokesman has said she will do so 「in the near future」. This comes as America’s ties with South Korea have been strengthened—and China’s frayed—by the destruction of a naval vessel, the Cheonan, in March. South Korea and America, backed by an international inquiry, have blamed the sinking on a North Korean torpedo. The North has denied responsibility and China has refused to finger its awkward ally.

As the American navy has roamed China’s neighbourhood, senior officials have fanned out over Asia. In Indonesia Robert Gates, the defence secretary, upset human-rights activists and delighted the government by resuming links to Kopassus, the army’s special forces. William Burns, undersecretary of state for political affairs, has been to four South-East Asian countries.

It all amounts to what Douglas Paal of the Carnegie Endowment, a Washington think-tank, has called 「the most comprehensive burst of diplomatic and military activity in Asia, particularly South-East Asia, in decades」 from an American administration. It is not surprising that many in China see all this as part of a new containment doctrine. Many in America do, too. By this analysis, Barack Obama took office committed to good relations with China, and ready to welcome it as a great power in return for China’s accepting the global responsibilities that go with that status. Then a series of setbacks convinced him to stand up to China with a more muscular strategy. The 「sweet mouths」 spout charm just the same; but containment is now the game.

That is far from how the administration presents it, however. It argues it is merely reasserting a 「national interest」 and traditional role in East Asia, a region neglected by an America distracted by terrorism and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Absent without leave, America helped foster an overblown perception in the region of America’s decline and China’s ascent. It is now putting that right. In Mr Paal’s phrase, America’s recent Asian diplomacy is 「not aimed at China, but has implications for China」.

A container has several sides

That may be too nuanced a distinction for the Global Times』 leader-writers. But those implications are indeed worth pondering. China seems to have digested one already: that the swagger, bordering on arrogance, with which Chinese officials were throwing their weight around in the region and in the West in the depths of the financial crisis created unnecessary alarm. These days, courtesy is back in vogue.

Another implication is that rather than simply rail against America, China could do more to prevent its neighbours providing such fertile ground for the 「seeds of distrust」 it sows. That would demand greater clarity over China’s real strategic aims, and a willingness to discuss them in multilateral forums. On the South China Sea, for example, it is hard to know exactly what its claim is based on. Yet its ships sometimes treat the sea as a Chinese lake; its maps show a great lolling tongue of Chinese sovereignty stuck insolently out at the South-East Asian littoral states. No wonder those countries welcome American aircraft-carriers. The trouble is, of course, that if China were clearer about its aims, they might welcome them even more.







在 「華盛頓號」核動力航母訪問越南之前,曾參加了美國與韓國軍方進行的聯合軍事演習。鑑於中共對美韓聯合軍事演習的敏感,「華盛頓號」核動力航母沒有參加在黃海海域進行的演習,黃海剛好在中[共]國的海岸線外。但是一位五角大樓發言人稱,「在不久的將來」「華盛頓號」核動力航母將會進入黃海海域。今年3月,韓國海軍艦艇「天安號」被朝鮮擊沉,「天安號」事件造成的美韓聯盟的加強,以及與中共的摩擦,促成了這次美韓聯合軍事演習。韓國與美國,在國際質疑的聲援之下,責備朝鮮使用魚雷擊沉「天安號」的行徑。但是朝鮮方面否認自己擔有責任,而中共也拒絕指認自己拙劣的盟友(朝鮮)。


正如華盛頓智庫卡內基國際和平基金會(Carnegie Endowment)知名中國問題專家包道格(Douglas Paal)所言,這一切實際上是美國行政分支「幾十年來在亞洲,尤其是東南亞,外交與軍事活動最全面的爆發」。所以許多中[共]國人將所有這一切視為美國新的圍堵政策的一部分,也並不奇怪。而且美國也有許多人與中[共]國人的看法一樣。根據這一分析,巴拉克•奧巴馬在就任總統時承諾與中[共]國維持良好的關係,同時當中[共]國開始承擔大國地位伴隨而來的全球責任時,美國將會以歡迎中[共]國的大國地位作為回報。但是隨後一系列的挫折使得奧巴馬確信,必須以更強硬的策略與中共進行對抗。與2008年奧巴馬的就職演說一樣,如今滔滔不絕的「嘴甜」依舊;只是現在的策略不再是歡迎,而是圍堵。





責任編輯: 王篤若   轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
