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心路獨舞:還記得賀梅案嗎?有點狗血 但很真實





到此,這件事應該算是個無法美滿但還算萬幸的一個結局了,然而我沒想到的是這其實只不過是開始,後來發生的事情我是最近才從孟菲斯當地(Local Memphis)新聞網絡中看到的。


今年春季,賀梅在美國即將高中畢業,如今她已經克服了對這件事情的恐懼不安,願意面對媒體談論曾諱莫如深的過去,包括從不穀歌自己的名字,她說,‌‌「記住我自己的過去是不可避免的,這是我的一部分,我應該擁抱真實的自我。‌‌」(Remembering something from my past is inevitable. It’s part of me and I should embrace the truth about myself)當然面對過去也包括談論和自己已經疏遠的爸爸賀紹強,說他只在向她索要照片的時候才會和她聯繫,他只是貼出我的照片,但從來不會做出了解我的努力,包括聖誕節或者我的生日,他不會給我買禮物,甚至不會給我打電話……‌」Excuse me?辛辛苦苦打了幾年官司,那麼多志願者和免費律師的工作,難道最終是為了做這樣的一個父親?I am lost.


I often found myself waking up in someone else's arms; sometimes it was my mom,

occasionally, it was my dad, but mostly, I wasn’t even sure who it was. I just knew that I was

being carried by someone to somewhere very far away.

Before then, I remember being like my friends. I loved going to school and having

Pizza Friday. Show-n-tell was my favorite, because everyone’s eyes sparkled with astonishment

when they found out that my parents were different from me— they are Caucasian and I am


Soon I realized that I was different from my friends. Their pictures were not on tv or in

the newspaper. Strangers did not whisper and point at them. They were never checked out of

school to see a special doctor who drew pictures and repeatedly asked the same questions. I』d

come home crying to my mom, confused why these things were happening to me. She』d hug me,

telling me that everything will be okay, even though we both know it wasn't. It did not make

sense then. I was only eight years old when the arms of a psychologist snatched me. She tightly

gripped my waist and legs and I held onto the banister as if it were a rope that could save my life.

My tears blurred my vision, and soon, everything else that followed became a blur as well.

The next thing I knew, I moved to China. I was introduced to people who were

supposedly my「real」 family, but I didn't feel that way. In front of the cameras, my biological

parents were all smiles. They took me and my siblings out for fancy meals, bragged about my

progress since the drastic move, and emphasized their love for me. But behind close doors, they

were the opposite. They sent me to boarding school, lived in a rundown neighborhood, and

divorced a few months after moving to China. I felt lonely, and I felt as if my childhood was in

the hands of everyone else except for me.

I could no longer perceive my reality anymore. I was a puppet, completely lifeless and

numb. From the many new reports to interviews, I soon found myself playing their game of「best

interest.」 Whatever they wanted out of me, I gave them: The poor, innocent Chinese-American

girl who is a victim in two families』 feud for custody.

I later realized that I allowed my childhood to define me. After the Supreme Court

ruling that decided to send me to my biological parents was official, I felt out of place in China

and in the States. People always associated me with the situation rather than viewing me as a

child with actual interests and hobbies that I had. Sometimes, I was envious of other kids my age

who had a seemingly normal childhood; occasionally, I was in denial for how my childhood

played out in this not-so-ideal way; but mostly, I was lost in my own subconscious. I could not

pinpoint which family to claim, but most of all, who I was as an individual.

The truth is, it took years to finally realize that my situation helped me find my identity,

not hinder it. My life has been a journey, the departure was frightful, the road was windy, and the

destination was deceiving. But I came back home. I learned a new language and went to different

countries that were misrepresented. I learned to love my biological family and understand

multiple perspectives. I gained courage to share my story that once haunted me. Out of

everything that I once couldn’t understand, I learned to use those though circumstances to grow





家在美國 放眼世界 魂系中華
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