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A Chinese security guard walks across flags on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, Monday, Oct 8, 2007. Authorities in the Chinese capital are preparing the area around the Great Hall of the People and Tiananmen Square for a major Communist Party congress next week at which President Hu Jintao is expected to fill several top posts with younger leaders loyal to his rule. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

中共改革派領軍人物胡德平近日在《經濟觀察報》上撰文,呼籲進一步推進改革開放。他以國有企業改革為例指出,國企改革反映了黨的意識形 態,代表改革的傾向,"國有企業不能將'利潤最大化',否則就是與民爭利"。胡德平還指出,"權大於法"、"黨政權力干涉司法"的情況"在不少時候"客觀 存在,"推進社會主義憲政的建設和落實"因此是"時代對於中國共產黨作為執政黨的基本要求。"

Hu Yaobang, General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party, is shown, in September 1982. (AP Photo)



文章中,胡德平比較了封建家天下的中國與共和公天下的中國的根本區別,指出皇權專制時代是"皇帝口含天憲",辛亥革命後的民國則有了建設憲政的要求,而中 國共產黨建立新的國家政權後,基本任務之一就應是"推動憲法實施,推進社會主義憲政的實施 "。胡德平還從保障共和國主權的角度以及"文革"的教訓來闡述憲政的重要性。他寫道,"文革"的災難如此慘痛,"其根本原因之一,就是憲法和法律成為空 文。這個教訓需要深刻記取。"


Yang Jisheng (simplified Chinese: 楊繼繩; traditional Chinese: 楊繼繩; pinyin: Yáng Jìshéng; born November 1940[1][2]) is a Chinese journalist and author of Tombstone (Mùbēi), a comprehensive account of the Great Chinese Famine during the Great Leap Forward. Yang joined the Communist Party in 1964 and graduated from Tsinghua University in 1966. He promptly joined Xinhua News Agency, where he worked until his retirement in 2001. As of 2008, he was the deputy editor of the journal Yanhuang Chunqiu (炎黃春秋) (Chronicles of History) in Beijing.[1][3] Yang Jisheng is also listed as a Fellow of China Media Project, a department under Hong Kong University.[3]
eingestellt im Juni 2012






Bao Tong, right, poses for photo near a picture of Zhao Ziyang, the Chinese leader ousted for opposing the crackdown on the 1989 Tiananmen square democracy movement, at his home in Beijing, China, Friday, May 15, 2009. Bao who was then a top aide to Zhao, hopes Zhao's posthumous memoirs which are to be published just weeks before the 20th anniversary of the crackdown will provide lessons to China's future generation and top leaders. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)


中國的改革派人士認為,憲政政府必須基於民主選舉。89民運後入獄的中共高層官員、趙紫陽秘書鮑彤向法新社表示,如果 中共國家主席由人民選舉,那麼中國才是一個共和國。現在的中國儘管名義上被稱為共和國,但更像是一個帝國王朝。

責任編輯: 劉詩雨  來源:德國之聲中文網 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
