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「目擊者項目在於表達對死於共產統治超過1億人以及仍繼續受共產邪惡折磨的數百萬人的敬意」,共產主義受害者紀念基金會執行董事馬里昂•史密斯(Marion Smith)說,「太多人認為共產主義是過去的意識形態,但實際上它仍存在於像北韓、中國大陸和古巴等地的悲慘現實。」


目擊者項目將推出丹尼爾Magay(Daniel Magay)的故事,當匈牙利KGB(前蘇聯的國家安全委員會)奪走他父親的財產和生計時,​​他還只是個孩子, Magay家能倖免於完全被毀是因為他在劍擊上的才華--他在1956年奧運會上贏得了一面金牌,之後他投奔到美國並成為一名成功的商人。



共產主義受害者紀念基金會總部設立於華盛頓,是一個專門為紀念世界各地100多萬共產主義受害者和為生活於共產極權受害者爭取自由的非營利性教育和人權組織。最近共產主義受害者VOC(Victims of Communism)(紀念基金會)發佈了將在2017年完成建造於華盛頓的共產主義國際博物館破土動工的訊息。

欲了解更多信息或與Marion Smith會面,請以vanessa@javelindc.com或電話202-997-1289聯繫Vanessa。


Anti-Communist Group To Release「Witness Project」 Documenting Communism's Crimes Against Humanity


As Cuba, North Korea, and China are Ascendant, Organization Remains Determined to Remember Communism's Human Costs

Washington DC– The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation today announced The Witness Project, a year-long initiative to catalog stories from around the world of some of the millions who suffered under communist rule. The project is a timely reminder of the most deadly ideology in the history of the world.

「The Witness Project honors the more than100 million individuals who have died under communist rule and millions more who continue to suffer its evils,」 said Marion Smith, the executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.「Too many people consider communism an ideology of the past, but it is still a sad reality in places like North Korea, China, and Cuba.」

The Project will highlight the dramatic stories of communism's survivors across the globe-- from a filmmaker who spent5½ years in the gulags of Hungary to a student leader who witnessed the Tiananmen Square massacre.

The Witness Project will launch with the story of Daniel Magay who was just a child when the Hungarian KGB took his father's estate and livelihood. Magay's family was only spared total ruin because of his talent in fencing, a talent that won him a gold medal in the1956 Olympics, after which he defected to the United States and became a successful businessman.

Describing communism and his defection to America, Magay says,「It's like you are in a cage. That's how you feel. And when they let you out of the cage, you know what that is. What freedom is.」

Watch the full video HERE.

The Witness Project includes more than ten other videos that share stories of individuals who lived under communism and will be continuously updated with new stories. Check them out HERE.

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is a Washington-based, non-profit educational and human rights organization devoted to commemorating the more than100 million victims of communism around the world and to the freedom of those still living under totalitarian regimes. Recently VOC has announced its efforts to break ground on an international museum on communism in Washington in2017.

For more information or to schedule an interview with Marion Smith, please contact Vanessa at vanessa@javelindc.com or202-997-1289.




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