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又和沙特有關 突然橫掃伊拉克的ISIS是誰?組圖




ISIS Now Controls A Shocking Percentage Of Iraq And Syria


This map from the Washington-basedInstitute for the Study of Waris an up-to-date depiction of the operational area of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant(ISIS), a jihadist group so intractable that it wasexpelled from Al Qaeda’sglobal network in February of2014.

The grouptook over Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, earlier this week. And now the extremist militants havecapturedparts of Tikrit, Saddam Hussein’s hometown, which is located just95 miles from the capital of Baghdad. Hundreds of prisoners werefreedfrom prisons in each city.

ISIS operates across a vast geographic area. Jalula, Iraq, the easternmost population center under ISIS’s control, is over360 miles from Raqqah, Syria, the group’s westernmost zone of control. ISIS sprawls across the Iraqi-Syrian border. It’s attacked inside of Iraqi Kurdistan, sits at the doorstep of Syria’s Alawaite heartland, and has broad operational abilities inside Iraq’s Sunni Triangle, and even its Shi』ite south. ISIS cuts across ethnic and sectarian regions, controlling major cities and desert wilderness.

In analyst Shiraz Maher’s view, ISIScontrols more territorythan the governments of Israel and Lebanon. It controlsnearly a third of Iraqalone, according to the Long War Journal.

Iraq has apopulation of35 million, and is the fourth most populous member of the Arab League.

Iraq has been through something like this before. In December of2006, Al Qaeda in Iraqcontrolled an area on parwith ISIS’s current zone of operation. By the end of the decade, the group seemed to have been dealt an overwhelming battlefield defeat at the hands of the U.S. military and Sunni tribal militias who effectively switched sides in the American campaign in Iraq.

But the regional dynamics are far different now than they were in the mid-2000s. And ISIS has a cross-regional dimension, a total vacuum in eastern Syria, and a collapsing state in Iraq working to its long-term advantage.

The next time this map is updated, the black areas could be even larger.


Interrogator: Why do you(ISIS) monitor the movement of the Free Syrian Army?

ISIS Detainee: I don’t know exactly why but we received orders from ISIS command.

Interrogator: Who among ISIS gave the orders?

ISIS Detainee: Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisal, who is also known as Abu Faisal.





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