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〝十 八大〞召開前的這幾個星期,被外界稱為〝中共高層搏擊最激烈〞的階段。上星期香港媒體放風的常委名單,基本都是胡錦濤、習近平方面的人馬。而這份〝親江網 站〞給出的名單上,團派大將汪洋,和胡錦濤嫡系的團派干將、中組部部長李源潮都被踢出局,而被視為〝中國新聞自由最大殺手〞的中宣部部長劉雲山,和背負 〝溫州動車醜聞〞的重慶市委書記張德江,以及嚴厲封鎖〝天津商場火災〞悼念活動的天津市委書記張高麗,再次進入排行。




目 前江派的拚死角力都源自於王立軍的意外出逃,打翻了〝用薄熙來取代習近平〞的如意算盤。據海外媒體報導,在王立軍交給美國的材料中,包括江派密謀政變的證 據,而今年9月在日內瓦舉行的〝聯合國人權理事會21屆大會〞期間,〝中共活摘法輪功學員器官〞的話題再次受到關注,並持續在歐美,包括中東等幾十個國家 中炸開。








採訪/易如 編輯/尚燕 後制/君卓[page]

Rumors Still Surround Politburo Standing Committee Members

With the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 18th Congress
approaching, some overseas pro Jiang Zemin websites
have allegedly released reports on the list of names
of the upcoming Politburo Standing Committee members.
Wang Yang and Li Yuanchao were both removed
from the list, replaced with Zhang Dejiang, Liu Yunshan and Zhang Gaoli of Jiang’s faction.
However, some critics said that spreading rumors didn’t
help Jiang’s faction, but rather put them onto a wrong track.

One pro Jiang Zemin website said that the CCP Politburo
Standing Committee held a meeting in Beijing on October 15.
It was said they decided the 18th session of the Committee
will have 7 people, while the Politburo will have 25 members.
The website said the name list is Xi Jinping,
Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Wang Qishan, Liu Yunshan, Zhang Gaoli, Yu Zhengsheng.

CCP infighting is extremely intense now with the 18th
Party Congress taking place in several weeks.
Hong Kong media allegedly reported a name list, mostly
containing members of Hu Jintao and Xi』 Jinping’s faction.
On the lists given on pro Jiang Zemin websites, Wang Yang,
and Hu Jintao’s confidant Li Yuanchao were both removed.
It did contain Lui Yunshan, the Minister of the CCP
Propaganda Department, and the 「Biggest Killer of China’s Freedom on Journalism」.
It also contained Zhang Dejiang, Party secretary of Chongqing
City, and the protagonist of Wenzhou high-speed rail scandal.
Zhang Gaoli, party secretary of Tianjing City,
who stopped people marking the memorial of the Tianjin Fire Disaster, was also on the list.

Zhang Xiyu, founder of Global Free Information Movement:
「Who is in, who is out. There haven’t been big changes.
But if people like Zhang Dejiang are on the list,
the CCP will get worse reputation.
He is responsible for the high-speed rail tragedy.
He graduated from a University in North Korea.
If he entered in the standing committee,
the image of CCP will get worse.」

Although Zhang Dejiang, and Zhang Gaoli don’t
have any political achievements, they were always on the name list on pro Jiang Zemin websites.

Wang Beiji, Political Critic: 「Probably they thought
if they put more of their people in the committee, their interests will be protected. In fact, the tactic is wrong.
If they put more pro Jiang Zemin officials into the committee,
who are the more corrupted ones, the CCP will soon collapse.
In the processing of breaking down,
they will suffer more humiliation.」

Wang Lijun’s fleeing to the U.S. Consulate ruined Jiang’s
plan of using Bo Xilai to replace Xi Jinping in a military coup.
Some media reports said that the documents
Wang Lijun gave to the U.S. Consulate contain evidence of Jiang’s conspiracy for a military coup.
In September, during the 21st Session of the General
Assembly of the United Nations Human Rights Council,
the topic of CCP live organ harvesting was addressed,
and well discussed in Europe and east countries.

Political Critic Lan Shu said that the Jiang fraction,
who has blood-debts for persecuting Falun Gong,
are getting more scared now with the exposure
of their crimes to the international communities.
They are spreading rumors and campaigning,
in order to the maintain their power.

Lan Shu: 「They won’t feel relieved unless there are some
members in the Congress who also have a blood-debt.
So they have tried their best to spread rumors.」

Lan Shu said that besides campaigning for themselves,
Jiang’s faction rely on rumors to maintain their influence.

Lan Shu: 「Most officials inside China are only fence-sitters.
They are all looking at personnel arrangements of top levels.
The rumors certainly wouldn’t have any credit overseas,

however, it will keep a stable morale for their troops
inside China, who won’t desert them at this point in time.」

Political critic Wang Beiji said that if the CCP has a person
like Gorbachev, or Chiang Ching-kuo, it may add some rational elements to the degrading of the CCP.
However, what Jiangs fraction
is doing now is on the wrong track.

Wang Beiji: 「The actual result will not be as they planned.

This is if they insist those leftist corrupted officials like
Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng and Zhang Gaoli enter
the committee, continuing Jiang’s policy of persecuting
people, transferring money overseas, and maintaining power.」

There will be one more meeting at the end of October
before the 18th Party Congress on November 8.
Critics say that from the contradiction in Chinese media,
it is still early to say who will be in the committee.




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