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兩影片藏中共垮塌秘密 一火爆一被禁

2009年,一對新婚的韓國夫婦去中國旅遊,新娘被綁架,找到的遺體發現:內臟器官不翼而飛。韓國導演金泓善根據這起真實事件拍攝了《同謀者們》影片。 而今年台灣〝台北國際短片電影節〞中,《首屆兩岸原創微電影大賽》的參賽影片《被遺忘的日內瓦宣言》被禁賽,主辦單位無法給出合理解釋。


美國國會聽證 調查中共活摘器官













採訪/常春 編輯/周平 後制/周天[next]

Films were produced about the ongoing evil: live organ harvesting

As former Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai stepped down,
former Chongqing director of Public Security Bureau
Wang Lijun was arrested and Bo's wife Gu Kailai was
convicted of murder.
Their crimes of live organ harvesting, which challenges
human being's basic morality, came to the surface.
Two films about how live organ harvesting happens in China
have been produced to reveal the crime to the public.
The story of He Xiuling, a Shandong Falun Gong practitioner
whose organs were harvested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
provides indisputable proof of the CCP's atrocious crime.

In 2009, a newly married Korean couple traveled to China
and the bride was kidnapped during the trip.
When her body was found, the organs had been taken away.

The Korean director Kim Hong-sun consequently produced
the movie 「The Accomplices」 based on this true incident.

In the 2012 Taipei International Short Film Festival, the movie
titled "The Forgotten Declaration of Geneva" was suspended from the First Cross-strait Original Micro Film Contest.
The organizer of the contest failed to provide any acceptable
reason to support this decision.
It was reported that there seemed to be an invisible manipulator
who commanded the whole incident.

Supporters of the film said, "The Forgotten Declaration of
Geneva"was a thought-provoking artistic work.
It should not be excluded from the contest.

They argued that the film was in fact blocked by the CCP
to hide the truth suggesting the stories in the film were real.

(Lin Zixun, political commentator):"I believe that more
individuals and groups will stand out to reveal the truth.
The CCP's regime is further crippled as more of its crimes
become known to the public.
Currently, the CCP is in a very dangerous situation.

As its crime of live organ harvesting is exposed, this might
become the last straw that leads to the collapse of the regime."

It was reported that a Shandong, Yantai resident He Xiuling
were persecuted by the local CCP as she practiced Falun Gong.
It was claimed she was infected with "meningitis"and
was sent to the hospital during the illegal detainment.
Her family member later found her body still warm in the
mortuary and her back was bandaged at the waist.
This suggested that her kidney might have been stolen.

As He Xiuling's husband Xu Chengben appealed for his wife,
the local police attempted to buy him off with 100,000 Yuan.
The next day after Xu revealed his wife's case on the Internet,
he was arrested and imprisoned for two years until he died.
Skin ulceration was found on Xu's body, which was suspected
by insiders to be subject to chronic drug poisoning.

A report from the Epoch Times cited an insider's words that,

He Xiuling was sent to the hospital not because of "meningitis",
but as a live organ resource and her kidney was harvested.
But for the abnormal condition observed in her eyes,
they might have removed the corneas as well.

The report wrote that the staff from 610 Office have plotted
a"satisfactory"plan to deceive He Xiuling's family.
Although she suffered a lot after her kidney was removed,
she was monitored under the guise of "being nursed".
Actually she was not provided with any food, water or
medicine until death.
She was also injected with some drug which prevented her
from talking.
She was then allowed to meet her family member
for the last time under such conditions.

Once He Xiuling's heart stopped beating, a message was
delivered to her family.
The body was quickly cremated after her death.

Such a crime of live organ harvesting was thus concealed
as a death from "meningitis".

Have you even seen tears from a corpse?
According to the report, what surprised the 610 officers was
that He Xiuling's pulse suddenly recovered in the mortuary
and she also sweated a lot.
Especially, "her corpse" shed tears when called by her family,
the first step in revealing the truth of this atrocious crime.

Dr. Wang Wenyi, a Pathology graduate of the Mount Sinai
School of Medicine, told NTD that Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun
followed Jiang Zemin's persecution on Falun Gong and
by committing the crime of live organ harvesting.
They did this on Falun Gong practitioners in Liaoning province.

(Dr. Wang Wenyi):"A subordinate of Wang Lijun once
mentioned that he had witnessed live organ harvesting
on Falun Gong practitioners, whose heart was removed
without anesthetic injected.
Wang Lijun himself also mentioned that his research center
had performed thousands of organ transplantation.
The targets were applied with "death injection" and then
had their organs harvested within several minutes."

The Epoch Times' report noted that Bo Xilai stepped down
Wang Lijun was arrested and Gu Kailai convicted.
The evil crime of live organ harvesting which challenges
humanity's basic morality also became known to the public;
The world will be shocked when details of the atrocity
are completely exposed.




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