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薄熙來案棘手 北京放風 : 低調從速處理

重慶前市委書記薄熙來被撤職審查之後,關於大陸當局將對他如何處理的傳聞不斷。最近,美國媒體報導,為了減輕對中共體制的衝擊,中共高層很可能會在 18大之前將薄熙來開除出黨,不進行公開審判,快速了結薄熙來案。但專家指出,薄熙來的罪行早已被曝光,中共的掩蓋實際上是徒勞的。













採訪/常春 編輯/李謙 後制/葛雷

CCP Leaks News: Quickly & Quietly Bo's Case Closes

Since Bo Xilai was removed from his posts
in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
rumours on how he would be handled continue.

U.S. media recently reported that in order to minimize
the impact to its political system,
the CCP may expel Bo from the Party before its18th Congress,
in an attempt to swiftly remove Bo's case from public view.
Experts comment that Bo's crimes have been widely
exposed, that the CCP's cover-up attempt will be proved futile.

The Washington Post's article dated June 15 cited
Western diplomats and Chinese analysts, saying:
As they prepare for a once-in-a-generation turnover of power,

China's leaders now appear to be seeking
a quick and quiet resolution in the case of Bo Xilai.

A foreign diplomat acquainted with the CCP top leaders

said he was told Bo's case would be handled soon ahead
of this fall's 18th Party Congress, said the news report.
Bo was expected to probably face an ouster
from the CCP, while not undergoing public trial.
This approach was said to help minimize public scrutiny of
the CCP's system problems that has been triggered by Bo.

Critic Wang Beiji says, the CCP recently has often
leaked information to overseas media,
intending to test the public and media responses
to Bo Xilai's case.

Wang Beiji: "The CCP released this news to
test overseas reaction.
We've noticed that it still wants to keep its political order
and to survive by continuing to patch up the system.
They seem to believe that Bo's removal hasn't yet affected
the wrecked regime boat, This is actually rather unlikely.」

Wang Beiji thinks Bo's case is a big hot potato for the CCP.

Wang Beiji: 「He has committed serious crimes, from the
perspective of the CCP, and in terms of history and inhumanity.
His crimes lasted a long time, covering a wide scope,
and a lot of people were deeply involved."

Wang Beiji points out that although Bo Xilai is not the
CCP's Politburo Standing Committee member,
Bo's father, the Party's veteran Bo Yibo had played a
significant role in the fight against Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang
and in promoting Jiang Zemin to higher political position.

Bo Yibo, symbolizing the CCP's conservative forces,
was also a key assistant to Deng Xiaoping.
Bo Xilai's power derived from Bo Yibo and the CCP's
2nd generation leadership, Wang Beiji remarks.

Wang Beiji: 「Bo Xilai is not a member of the
CCP's Politburo Standing Committee.
But the evil he has committed has far exceeded the role
that a Politburo Standing Committee member can play."

Wang Beiji says that the CCP has gone into a dead end.

On one hand, Bo Xilai will counterattack
when the CCP's top leadership presents weaknesses;
on the other, the regime fears that a thorough disclosure
and trial of Bo Xilai may trigger public awareness that
all the CCP top officials have committed the same crimes
as Bo, a problem that was produced by the CCP system.

According to previous practice, the CCP dealt with
its senior officials on accusations of corruption.
Such as with Chen Xitong, former CCP Secretary of Beijing,
Chen was removed in 1995 Chen Liangyu,
former CCP Secretary of Shanghai, was dismissed in 2006.

Reportedly, Bo Xilai's family was involved in
alarming levels of corruption.
Bo himself was rumored to be implicated in 11 murders.

The CCP is expected to charge Bo with criminal offenses,
avoiding mention of his other crimes.

Wang Beiji: 「His persecution of Falun Gong,
organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners, and
his wicked initiatives in the 「anti-vice」 campaign,
all these crimes have been widely exposed to the public.
But the CCP still wants to cover up for him, a vain effort it is.

The CCP aims to preserve its system by using trickery
to deal with Bo's case, which will be futile."

Wang Beiji thinks it a pointless move for the CCP
to test public opinion by leaking information.




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