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新華網挺汪洋削藩 政法委成昨日黃花















採訪編輯/常春 後制/薛莉

「Second Power Center」 Come to an End:
Xinhua Supports Guangdong to Weaken PLC.

According to Chinese media, the Director of Public Security
in Guangdong Province will not serve as the Secretary
of the Political and Legislative Committee (PLC).
This has happened in another 21 cities.

Xinhua Net, the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP)
official media, cited the report on June 4.
From the evidence Xinhua Net supports weakening
the PLC, analysts believe that
「the second power center」 and Zhou Yongkang's time
have come to end. Here is more information.

There have recently been rumors about the suppression
and degradation of the PLC.
According to Southern Metropolitan Daily,
owned by Southern Daily Group in Guangdong,
PLC secretaries will not serve as public security
bureau directors after re-election.
Cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan,
and Meizhou have made this change one by one.
In 21 cities, deputy mayors will take the place of PLC
secretaries, serving as public security bureau directors.

Before 1998, the central PLC wasn't
an important organization.
However, after Jiang Zemin started persecuting Falun Gong,
the PLC expanded its power drastically. It became 「the second power center.」

Zhang Sutian, current affairs commentator, said that after
Jiang Zemin took power, and in order to carry out
the persecution, many public security bureau directors
became PLC secretaries, maximizing their power.

Zhang Sutian: 「As a result, many local public security
bureaus abuse their power.
Courts and procuratorate actually have no power
and have to obey public security bureau directors.
The consequent chaos in China's justice system
has made people suffer.
Complaints can be heard everywhere,
which increases the CCP's crisis.」

According to statistics by Southern Metropolitan Daily
reporters, since the reelection at the end of last year,
14 local areas such as Foshan and Dongguan
changed PLC secretaries.
In some other areas, changes have been made
to the responsibilities that PLC secretaries hold.
Official media Xinhua Net, published the whole article
from Southern Metropolitan Daily.

Zhang Sutian, current affairs commentator,
said that Xinhua Net had related reports this time.
These were more obviously manipulated
by Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.
Other sources reveal that the Central PLC will no longer
enter the Central Politburo Standing Committee.

Zhang Sutian: 「After Wang Lijun's case and the conspiracy
between Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang to oust Xi Jinping was exposed,
the security of the CCP itself got threatened
by the PLC.
According to latest information, the PLC,
as the second power center, as well as the power of Zhou Yongkang, has come to an end.」

The PLC, under the control of Zhou Yongkang has for many
years has expanded it's violence to maintain stabilization.
People have called on the central government
「to get rid of PLC.」
This includes Mao Yushi, Chairman of Beijing Tianze
Economics Institute and Yu Jianrong, sociologist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
It also includes He Weifang, law professor
at Peking University and Zhang Zanning, law professor at Southeast University.

According to commentator Hong Jian,
if the PLC cannot directly lead public security bureaus, its main power is actually deprived.

Hong Jian: 「This indicates Hu and Wen's test
on the blood-debt faction.
To cut the connection between the PLC
and the public security bureau, their key step is removing Zhou Yongkang.」

Writer Wu Jianguo believes that the power of the PLC
has threatened the security of the CCP's core members.

Wu Jianguo: 「Hu and Wen weakened the PLC's power.

One of the reasons is that they were aware
of the PLC's expanded power.
It has not only led to corruption, but threatened
the key leaderships at different levels.
Meanwhile, it shows Hu and Wen's
capability of suppressing the PLC.
Zhou Yongkang, as the head of the PLC,
and part of Jiang Zemin's blood-debt faction, has lost his power.
He can no longer maintain the PLC privileges.」

But Wu Jianguo pointed out that suppressing
the PLC doesn't mean the CCP will then step into judicial independence.
If Hu and Wen have the inclination,
they should completely remove the PLC.
They should let law-enforcement authorities operate
based on law, rather than under the 「CCP's command.」




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