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路透社:海伍德死並非謀殺 火化是家屬意願


Beijing- and London-based relatives of Heywood told Reuters in separateinterviews that they did not suspect foul play in his death. They both spoke on condition of anonymity.

「It’s preposterous. The more description (in the media), the darker it becomes,」 the family member said, occasionally breaking into tears in an interview in the lobby lounge of a hotel on the outskirts of Beijing late on Thursday.

The family denied reports that Heywood was a spy and that he was cremated against their wishes.

「We requested the cremation. We were not forced to do so. We have no doubts about the police report,」 said one family member.

海伍德現居北京和倫敦的親屬,在單獨的分別約談中告訴路透社記者說,他們不覺得存在謀殺因素。 他們兩位都要求不透露姓名。

「那種說法很荒謬,並且被媒體越描越黑。」 死者家屬週四晚在北京郊區一家賓館大堂酒廊接受採訪中說,並流了眼淚。海伍德的家庭否認海伍德是間諜以及死者是在違背他們願望情況下被火化的說法。

「是我們要求火化。我們並沒有被強迫這樣做。 我們並不懷疑警方的死因報告,」一名家庭成員說。




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