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「6・4密件」中的會議紀要透露:江澤民早在5月10號的政治局會議上,就敢於當面頂撞趙紫陽,堅持鎮壓《導報》有理。早在屠城之前,江就寫密信給鄧小平,信中說如不採取「果斷措施」, 「任資產階級自由化泛濫,就要亡黨亡國。」









Truth about Jiang Zemin: Part V

Same anchor as yesterday, except the last sentence
Today's topic is Jiang's suppression of student movements.

At the beginning of the democratic movement of 1989, only students were involved. Its turning point from a student movement to a mass movement is the then-CCP secretary in Shanghai Jiang Zemins purge of "World Economic Herald".

Jiang's purge of the paper, as well as the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) mouthpiece "People's Daily」 defining the student movement as "unrest", became the fuse for the CCP's massacre of Chinese citizens. Jiang was praised for the bloodshed by several big shots within the CCP. As a result, Jiang used the lives of Tiananmen Massacre victims as a stepping stone to become the CCP's leader.

Zhang Weiguo, ex-director of World Economic Herald, said that the newspaper was the only private newspaper in China at that time. It is also the first and most active newspaper in China to advocate political reforms and democratic ideals.

On April 15, 1989, CCP's General Secretary Hu Yaobang suddenly died, leading to a student movement in Beijing. Hu used to sympathize with the student movement. As a result, he was accused by the CCP conservatives to be ineffective in the CCP's anti-liberalization efforts. In 1987, he was forced to resign.

Zhang Weiguo (ex-director of World Economic Herald): Herald held a forum in memory of Hu Yaobang in Beijing. The forum proposed that almost none of the CCP's general secretaries stepped down in a normal procedure. If the CCP wanted to become the ruling party of a modern state, it should implement political reforms.

Herald's editor-in-chief Qin Benli published a special report on the forum, complaining about the CCP's treatment of Hu Yaobang. Subsequently, Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong banned the newspaper, dismissed Qin Benli and sent a review group to station within the newspaper's office.

Zhang: People told tales on us that Herald was going to force Deng Xiaoping to self-criticize and to re-evaluate Hu Yaobang's life. Therefore, they took pre-emptive measures before the CCP central government took its official stance, and banned that particular issue of Herald.

On April 26, People's Daily's editorial accused the student movement to be "an unrest". Jiang soon ordered Herald to cease publication. Jiang's purge triggered a nationwide media protest. People took to the streets in solidarity with Herald. Their actions and the student movement supported each other, and attracted the participation of people from all walks of life.

Zhang: After the CCP's then-chairman Zhao Ziyang returned from his visit in North Korea, the CCP's Politburo criticized Jiang's handling of Herald. Jiang was a little frightened. Then he decided to use Chen Zhili as his scapegoat. Chen was the head of Shanghai Municipal CCP Committee Propaganda Department.

Meanwhile, Zhang Weiguo hired some legal experts to prosecute Jiang Zemin and the Shanghai Municipal CCP Committee. He hoped to change Herald's fate through legal proceedings.

As early as 1986, Jiang profited from the violent crackdown on a student movement. In early 1989, Jiang wrote to the Politburo and the Central Advisory Commission to criticize Zhao Ziyang. Jiang accused Zhao for engaging in reforms and in opening up China, instead of insisting on Communist principles. Zhang Weiguo said that banning Herald was the first step of Jiang's plot to topple Zhao.

As per 「The Secret Files on Tiananmen Movement」, the minutes of a Politburo meeting recorded that on the meeting held on May 10, 1989, Jiang contradicted Zhao in person, and insisted that his banning of Herald was right. Prior to Tiananmen massacre, Jiang wrote a secret letter to Deng Xiaoping, saying that if they did not take "decisive actions", "bourgeois liberalization will proliferate and destroy the CCP.」

Deng asked Jiang to plan and carry out the crackdown on Tiananmen Movement. On May 23, 1989, Deng received Jiang in Beijing. Satisfied with Jiang, Deng told Jiang that he would succeed Zhao Ziyang to become the head of the CCP.

After receiving Deng's orders, Jiang put another high-ranking CCP official Wan Li under house arrest. Wan Li was forced to declare his support for martial law.

Zhang: If you call Tiananmen Incident a coup of Deng Xiaoping, then Jiang was a very important accomplice. Jiang played an important role. Wan Li was the chair of the CCP's National Congress. If he held meetings and made proposals, there would be a different situation in China.

Proposed by Deng, Jiang founded a 5-person 「core group」 on May 27, 1989. The group exercised the powers of the Politburo's Standing Committee. It reported directly to Deng and was responsible for handling the Tiananmen Incident. Jiang was the most active member within the group.

After massacring students and citizens on June 4, 1989, Jiang turned to Zhang Weiguo and several others. Zhang was arrested and imprisoned for 20 months, for his "crime of counter-revolutionary incitement".

High-ranking military official Xu Qinxian refused to obey orders to shoot students. After being tried secretly, he was jailed for five years. Since the massacre took place, Jiang had been persecuting the victims' relatives and the survivors for over a decade.

Jiang became Tiananmen Massacre's largest beneficiary. Gao Wenqian, ex-researcher at CCP Literature Research Center said, the massacre reflects the violent and evil nature of the CCP. If the CCP is not disbanded, the same tragedy will continue to occur, such as the later persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and human rights activists.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Zhou Tian




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