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Wei Jingsheng Speaks at Washington Forum's Seminar on Implications of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" and the "Quit the CCP Movement" in China and the World



On December 4, 2009, Wei Jingsheng, the well-known Chinese democracy leader and prominent human rights activist, was invited as an honor guest to speak at a seminar in the Montgomery Country Council Office Building in Rockville, Maryland.  This seminar was organized by the Epoch Times, Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP, and the Washington Forum.  The topic of the seminar was: Implications of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" and the "Quit the CCP Movement" in China and the World.  The seminar had two sessions, in Chinese and in English.  It was moderated by Professor Sen Nieh, the president of the Epoch Times - DC, and co-founder of Washington Forum.


The Chinese session started with Mr. Wei Jingsheng's speech.  Wei Jingsheng pointed out that the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" ("Nine Commentaries") has totally changed people's illusions about the Communist Party.  One could tell from the Chinese people's change of attitude about the Communist Party since "Nine Commentaries" was published 5 years ago.  Many people knew from their own experience that the Communist Party was bad, but they did not know the rest until the "Nine Commentaries" gave out the whole complete picture.


Mr. Wei said it was the "Nine Commentaries" that systematically exposed the crimes and evil nature of the Communist Party, meanwhile illustrating why it has done so much crime.  The "Nine Commentaries" enabled us to know and to understand the evil nature of the Communist Party, that it is bad from its roots, and thus could only do things badly.


Wei Jingsheng also said that he noticed that the "Nine Commentaries" had another major impact which was not expected 5 years ago.  "Five years ago, when 'Nine Commentaries' and the 'Quit the CCP' movement just started, there were many questioning if this could have much effect.  They were doubtful because at that time, the thought of reforming the Communist Party from within was the mainstream view."


Wei Jingsheng said: "However, now we got to know the Communist Party completely.  You could tell that the Chinese people have totally changed their view of the Communist Party in the past a few years.  Even the rich and powerful people within the Communist Party changed their own viewpoints as they realized that the one party dictatorship by the Communist Party has to end, and a democratic system would be in place." Wei said: "People realized that the Communist Party's one party dictatorship must end.  Only then will we be able to finish all the crimes by the Communist Party nowadays."


Wei Jingsheng concluded that the "Nine Commentaries" and the "Quit the CCP" movement were indeed effective and powerful, for it changed Chinese illusions about the Communist Party completely.  "However, the credit for the 'Nine Commentaries' and the 'Quit CCP' being so effective is due to many people's endless work to propagate the 'Nine Commentaries', to urge the others to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, to expose the crimes of the Communist Party, and thus push people to change their minds at such a fast pace."


More than a dozen of scholars and community leaders spoke at the seminars.  These other speakers in the Chinese session were: Professor SUN Yanjun, a former visiting scholar of the University of Hawaii and former psychology professor of Beijing Normal University; Mr. SHEN Ting, co-founder/chairperson of the Chinese League of Victims (Hong Kong); Mr. HE Bin, guest commentator of New Tang Dynasty Television; Mr. Lobsang Chopell, activist for Tibetan communities in the Capitol area; and Ms. Lisa TAO, director of the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP - DC.  Polish, Vietnamese, Laos and other American and Tibetan community leaders and activists spoke at the English seminar.





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