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留學朱海洋指維修人員偷他鞋 房東對他的描述

Sturbridge廣場酒店式公寓以及別墅式公寓的所有人及業主Will Segar和他的手下們正在維修嫌犯朱海洋的房屋。

  Segar表示他與朱海洋(Haiyang Zhu)的不快是從那次朱海洋拒絕打開暖氣開始的 — 這導致了水管破裂,水在他和鄰居的別墅式公寓裏亂濺。





  Segar表示朱海洋曾帶楊欣(Xin Yang)到租住辦公室填表。




  Segar表示他的物管經理也曾找到校方私下表達過意見 — 校方沒管這事。

  Cranwell國際中心的Kim Beisecker主任表示,校方常幫助結局業主與學生的糾紛,但是並沒有對這一起事件的記錄。



  校方周四在新聞發佈會上表示,威脅評估小組和關懷小組都還沒有對朱海洋的報告。校方同時指出朱海洋在此事件前在此地沒有任何犯罪記錄。而朱海洋的同學,助教Ken Stanton對其有另一番描述。


  Stanton表示朱海洋很難讓人聯想到趙承熙(Seung-Hiu Cho) — 這個男子於(2007年)4月16日奪走了一個朋友及其他31人的生命。


  無論人們怎麼評價朱海洋 — 他在周三晚上的行為將改變他的後半生。

  Virginia Tech murder suspect described by those who knew him

  Landlord and owner of the Sturbridge Square Apartments and Townhomes, Will Segar, and his maintainence crew, make repairs at the home of murder suspect Haiyang Zhu.

  Segar says his confrontations with Zhu began when Zhu refused to turn on the heat—causing pipes to freeze and burst in his townhouse and his neighbors.

  Segar also says Zhu kept a large pile of firewood in the of his townhouse, and when he confronted him about it Segar says 「He got a little tough with me he got abrasive with my maintenance guy.「

  Since then, Segar says he has had one problem after another with Zhu.

  It’s what made Zhu stand out from his two roommates and the more than 300 other tenants at Sturbridge Square.

  「He accused the maintenance man of stealing shoes and t-shirts and came to the office and gave the manager a hard time. One of those guys who rubbed you the wrong way,「 says Segar.

  Segar says Zhu brought Xin Yang by the rental office to fill out an application.

  He says Zhu wouldn’t let Yang give him her identification until *after* he rented her an apartment.  When Segar wouldn’t agree—the two left.

  Segar says his property manager asked a friend who is a Blacksburg police officer how they should handle Zhu.

  He says the officer told him that because it was a tenant/landlord dispute that they were on their own.

  Segar says his property manager also had an informal conversation with university affairs about their problem with Zhu—but says they didn’t help either.

  Kim Beisecker, the director of the Cranwell International Center, says that while the university deals with landlords on a regular basis, that she has no record about that specific problem at Sturbridge Square.

  She says she has no doubt that there was a problem between Segar and Zhu, but says it was likely a 『cultural misunderstanding』.

  There is no heat in private residences in Ningbo, China or the surrounding area—which is where Zhu is from.

  She says Zhu could have viewed heat as a waste of energy resources and money.

  The university said in a news conference Thursday that Zhu had not been under review by its 『Threat Assessment』 or 『CARE』 teams.

  It also said Zhu had not come before the workings of the Virginia Tech or Blacksburg police departments.  

  Fellow graduate student and teaching assistant, Ken Stanton, paints a different picture of Zho.

  「It’s hard to believe he would be involved in something like this, he says.「

  Stanton says Zhu is nothing like Seung-Hiu Cho—who took the life of his friend and thirty-one others on April 16th.

  He says, 「He』d talk right to you, generally smiling, nice guy from what I know of him.「

  However people describe Zhu’s personality—it’s the actions he’s accused of making Wednesday night that will determine his fate.




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