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快訊:奧運 中共判6外記和人權活動家監禁10天

阿波羅特稿:在報道"黨媒造謠很瘋很弱智 公然與全世界記者為敵"後,無國界記者(大陸一般翻譯成「記者無疆界」)給阿波羅發來了新聞發佈稿。




8月19日北京 鳥巢外的抗議



兩名美國公民記者(其中之一是Brian Conley)和其他四個人權活動家在北京被判處監禁10天。

無國界記者組織要求立即釋放那六名已被中共警方以「擾亂公共秩序」罪判處在北京行政拘留10天的外國人 。警方並沒有公佈他們的國籍,但據信他們是8月19日在北京被拘捕的那兩名美國記者和四名示威者。

兩名美國記者是Jeff Rae 和 Brian Conley 。Brian Conley是著名的「活在巴格達」( www.aliveinbaghdad.org )視頻博客的創始人。Conley的妻子告訴無國界記者組織說: 「我幾個小時前接到我丈夫發來的一個短訊,說他在監獄中。從那以後我就再也沒有他的消息。」 Rae 和 Conley最近在北京一直跟蹤報道由「自由西藏學生組織」發起的抗議活動,美國紐約藝術家James Powderly是其中一名抗議參與者。


22 0 132 7 69
被殺記者 被殺媒體撰稿人 獄中記者 獄中媒體撰稿人 獄中互聯網異見人士


Reporters Without Borders/Reporters sans frontières

22 August 2008

2008 Beijing Games

Two US citizen journalists, including Brian Conley, and four other activists get 10 days in Beijing prison

Reporters Without Borders calls for the immediate release of six foreigners who have been sentenced by the Chinese police to 10 days of administrative detention in Beijing for "disrupting public order." The police did not give their nationality but it is believed they are the two US citizen journalists and four demonstrators who were arrested in Beijing on 19 August.

The two citizens journalists are Jeff Rae and Brian Conley, the founder of the famous Alive in Baghdad (www.aliveinbaghdad.org) video blog. Conley's wife told Reporters Without Borders: "I got a text message from my husband a few hours ago saying he was in prison. I have had no news since then." Rae and Conley had been covering the protests staged in Beijing by Students for a Free Tibet, including the protest by New York artist James Powderly.

Four other foreign pro-Tibet activists - a German of Tibetan origin, two Americans and a Briton - were arrested near the national stadium in Beijing after unfurling a Tibetan flag and calling for Tibetan autonomy. Students for a Free Tibet said they were the eighth group to be arrested in Beijing since the start of the Olympic Games. In all, 47 pro-Tibet activists have so far been arrested during the games.





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