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美國影評:趙薇是精靈 大陸演員展光芒


    July 18 (Bloomberg) -- Raptors shriek, fires roar, bodies arc into the air as an armored horseman slices through a wall of men, a wailing baby strapped to his back.
    General Zhao Yun is fighting to save the son of benevolent leader Liu Bei, whose forces were crushed by the invading troops of villainous Cao Cao. The battle scene is the first of several in Asia's most expensive film, John Woo's $80 million epic ``Red Cliff,'' about warring states in China in 208.
    The movie, named after a bank on the Yangtze River where the final naval showdown takes place, bears all the traits of a Woo production. There are ballet-like fight scenes, laconic heroes on a mission, limpid-eyed damsels in distress and gobs of blood. Add computer-generated effects to simulate thronging troops and a 2,000-ship fleet and you have the manic action of a big-budget Hollywood production.
    ``Red Cliff'' shows Woo's bid to return to the type of film that made him famous in Asia before he left for Tinseltown -- male-bonding tales of sacrifice and betrayal like ``A Better Tomorrow'' starring Chow Yun-fat, whose heroes would sooner bleed than cry.
    In ``Red Cliff,'' that masculine friendship is between Tony Leung's Zhou Yu, the ponderous but loyal viceroy of the East Wu Kingdom, and Takeshi Kaneshiro's Zhuge Liang, Liu's brilliant strategist. They forge an uneasy partnership to resist the much- larger Han Empire forces led by Cao.
    Stiff Headpiece
    With his lanky good looks and youthful gait, Taiwan-born Kaneshiro looks perfect to play Zhuge -- until he speaks. His voice is dubbed with the air-tight quality of studio recording, a distraction that damages his performance. Hong Kong actor Leung, usually ace, looks uncomfortable at best, not helped by a stiff headpiece with twin poufs and a top-knot that looked overworked with Brylcreem. Each acts in his own ambit, with the look of one struggling to recall his line. Chemistry is nil.
    Women are usually marginal in Woo's films, little more than talking props. ``Red Cliff'' is no exception. Taiwanese model Chiling Lin makes her big-screen debut playing Zhou's wife and legendary beauty Xiao Qiao, a paragon of virtue and a trophy Cao seeks. Lin makes a valiant effort at making her role less twee, though fails to overcome her cliched lines on peace and Camelot ideals.
    With some voice training, Lin might gain more screen presence. There's little spark between Leung and Lin either. They look more like overawed teenagers on a first date than a seasoned couple.
    Chinese Stars Shine
    Mainland Chinese actors carry the movie, overwhelming their Hong Kong and Taiwanese counterparts in presence, and proving they are among the best in the world.
    Zhang Fengyi (``Farewell My Concubine'') plays Cao with nuance, alternating so smoothly between human and vile traits that he stirs sympathy for one of the biggest villains in Chinese history. Hu Jun plays the wearied but unswerving General Zhao with verve. Zhao Wei plays East Wu princess Sun Shangxiang, a plucky sprite and budding warrior, adding much-needed comic relief to a film that gets boggy between fight scenes.The star of the movie is really Woo. His battle scenes are formidably choreographed, featuring keeling horses, brutal swordfights and complex troop configurations. It's a monumental undertaking and Woo delivers.
    Still, a 2 1/2-hour film is a challenge to sit through -- and one steeped in history and cultural cues would test the patience of even the most ardent history buff. ``Red Cliff'' remains a very Chinese movie that probably won't travel well.
    The version playing now in Asian cinemas is the first half of an almost 5-hour movie, the second part of which will be shown in January. The producers will edit the film down to a 2 1/2-hour edition for release in Europe and the U.S.
    ``Red Cliff,'' from Lion Rock Entertainment and other producers, is in theaters throughout Asia.




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