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據《溫哥華太陽報》指出,死者與大圈幫(Big Circle Boys)有來往,大圈幫為分佈在大陸,港澳,美國東西岸及加拿大溫哥華、多倫多的黑幫,加拿大犯罪情報服務將大圈幫列為英屬哥倫比亞省主要的亞洲犯罪幫派,他們偽造信用卡、行貸款詐騙、毒品、假貨、貨幣走私。


溫哥華警方發言人范寧(Tim Fanning)昨日召開特別記者會時表示,該案是今年第18宗命案,發生於前晚11時10分左右,45歲華裔男子Raymond Hung Chao Huang(中文譯音:黃宏超)返家時,將車停在街邊,走回卡地亞街(Cartier St.)3800號路段的豪宅時,突然遭到槍手伏擊。黃遭亂槍掃射,倒在家門圍牆的入口處。









范寧昨日也承認,溫哥華近年的槍擊事件確實有惡化的趨勢,而且已經不限於罪案頻繁的地區。他指先前西區有人在知名餐廳內遭黑幫尋仇掃射,現在頂級住宅區內又發生預謀殺人案,顯示槍手並不會選擇地點來作案。警方呼籲市民如果對此案件有任何線索,或是前晚曾見到案發地點附近有可疑車輛停泊,應儘快致電604- 717-2500與警方聯繫。

canada News:Gang member gunned down

A man associated with the notorious Big Circle Boys has been gunned down in front of his mansion in Vancouver's Shaughnessy.

Vancouver police say Hong Chao "Raymond" Huang was shot numerous times in an apparent targeted murder Saturday night.

Vancouver police investigate the shooting death of Hong Chao "Raymond" Huang in front of his mansion in the 3800-block Cartier Street in Vancouver yesterday. The shooting occurred late Saturday as Huang was returning home.

Huang's 10-year-old daughter called 911 to say her dad had been shot. He was dead when police arrived. Numerous shell casings littered the ground.

Huang, 45, was "well-connected" to the Asian organized gang, a police source told The Province last night.

"We know the name . . . You would rank him as a Dai Lo [Big Brother] . . . somebody of influence who could organize stuff and make things happen . . . He is quite high up there," said the source.

The Criminal Intelligence Service of Canada lists the Big Circle Boys as the main Asian organized crime group in B.C., dealing in credit-card fraud, loan sharking, drug smuggling and counterfeit goods and currency.

"He is known to keep a low profile, driving around in small cars," said the source.

He said he believes that Huang is on the radar of some Vancouver police and RCMP officers after being linked to "one or two" money seizures involving amounts between $70,000 and $100,000. "I am not sure what has happened to these cases," he said.

Meanwhile, Vancouver police spokesman Tim Fanning said investigators will start comparing notes with other jurisdictions today.

"Ultimately, we're looking for a motive," Fanning said.

"Part of our investigation will be to speak with other police agencies, both in Canada and abroad. We'll certainly check if this is tied to other shootings." Huang was returning home, and police believe the killer or killers either laid in wait or had tailed him.

"It looks like he was coming home -- he had just parked his car," said Fanning. "He was either followed or they were waiting for him.

"This is a startling and horrific attack in this neighbourhood." Fanning said Huang was from Asia or Hong Kong.

It was Vancouver's 18th homicide of the year. Some other shootings have been linked to gang activity.

Yesterday, residents in the tony neighbourhood were still shaken by the killing.

"I heard rat-a-tat-a-tat-tat," said Terrie Hashimoto of the shooting at 11:10 p.m. "I thought it was fireworks. Then I heard the sirens, and all the police cars were coming around the corner." Hashimoto said she didn't feel right about the new owners, who paid $3.7 million in 2003 for the mansion in the 3800-block Cartier Street, a huge yellow home on a corner lot with stone walls and security gates and cameras.

"They have two very large dogs," she said. "The German shepherd scares you to death. It looks like it's going to jump over a six-foot wall to get you." Hashimoto said the latest shooting may be enough for her to move to somewhere safer.

"I've lived here 35 years -- I don't know my neighbourhood any more," she said. "My husband is getting ready to retire as a physician.

"I think maybe we should sell the house." Neighbour Huadi Chen was quaking with fear when approached at her front door.




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