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Zhou Yongkang's Henchmen Conduct the November Abduction

For months news about the investigation against Zhou Yongkang,

former secretary of politics and the legal system,

has been widespread both at home and abroad.

Even though the Communist officials have yet to

confirm the news,

the downfall of many of Zhou's cronies and subordinates,

suggests this news must be true.

The entire political and legal system fell into a sense of insecurity,

fearing they to be the next in line on the hit list.

However, some officials still continue to follow Zhou Yongkang's

route, their conduct will dig a burial ground for themselves.

According to the Minghui.org, after the downfall of Zhou

Yongkang's cronies,

the likes of Li Chuncheng, Guo Yongxiang,

and Li Dongsheng,

many police and officials who followed Jiang Zemin's faction,

have regained conscience and stopped the persecution

of Falun Gong practitioners.

Some even began to make up for their mistakes and started

protecting Falun Gong practitioners.

The voices who slandered Falun Gong, have gradually

started to reduce& subside.

But in Hebei Province, the Party Secretary Zhou Benshun,

another high-ranking official under Zhou Yongkang,

chose the opposite.

It is reported, at the end of last year, Zhou Benshun

organized and controlled a massive abduction.

On Nov.15, an order was signed and launched by

the provincial public security and610 Office of Hebei,

yet again targeting Falun Gong practitioners.

After months of investigation through stalking, monitoring,

taping, and visiting, on Nov.15 police and610 officials

of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province,

raided the homes& abducted more than20 Falun Gong practitioners.

Since then, the police continued to search and abduct more

Falun Gong practitioners,

all the while conducting shock interrogation and making up

evidence for persecution. More than30 people have been arrested.

Seven Falun Gong practitioners, including Chen Tiankui,

Yang Huizhou, Yan Ruimin, Zhang Tongying, Li Yuxin,

Tian Shumei, and Wang Xiaofeng,

were arrested and await trial. Their lawyers will plead

not guilty in their defense.

Cheng Hai, defense attorney for Wang Xiaofeng(one of the accused):

"There is no legal basis for this case.

No Chinese law, judicial interpretation, or regulatory documents,

have ever defined that publicizing& producing information

about Falun Gong is a crime.

Regardless of their behaviors, it does not constitute a crime."

Lin Qilei, defense attorney for Tian Shumei(another of the accused),

indicates an internal document at the Supreme Court

& Supreme Procuratorate,

stating to apply the Article300 of judicial interpretation

to Falun Gong cases.

Even though this document has been complied for many years,

the authorities dare not publicize this document.

Lin Qilei, defense attorney for Tian Shumei:"Those hidden

from the light are wrong. They know it's wrong.

Article300 is the so-called cult organization.

They use this Article to undermine the law, to persecute

Falun Gong practitioners.

However, this accusation does not stand from the perspective

of law or judicial interpretation."

In addition, Wang Xiaofeng was released on bail, but constantly

harassed by the police, who would not withdraw the case.

His attorney Cheng Hai submitted a letter suggesting to

withdraw the case against Wang Xiaofeng for lack of legal basis.

He also stated,"Penal Code section399 provides:"Any judicial

officer who,

bending the law for selfish ends or twisting the law

for a favor,

is subject to investigation for criminal responsibility,

a person he knows to be innocent….shall be sentenced."

Lin Qilei:"According to China's laws, the suppression is wrong.

We believe the suppression of Falun Gong practitioners

is a political persecution.

That means the authorities are committing a crime."

Cheng Hai told the Epoch Times, that as a lawyer, he argues

from a legal perspective& to the Procuratorate judge& the court,

that Falun Gong practitioners are innocent, and the judge can

not mess with the law.

Many more judges have either acquitted the defendants or

adopted a more lenient sentence.

Attorney Lin Qilei:"It was originally thought that the issue of Falun

Gong is less severe now.

However, Tian Shumei's case indicates that Hebei is one of the

hard hit areas still against Falun Gong,

in addition to the three northeastern provinces.

Tian Shumei is, in the eyes of the authorities, honestly a nobody.

An intentionally criminal prosecution against her, shows the

authorities attitude toward Falun Gong practitioners in Hebei."

The Epoch Times commentary noted, the purpose of the

abduction on Nov.15,

is to embarrass those in power& to relay the blame of persecution

of Falun Gong to the incumbent leaders.

Interview/YiRu Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/JunZhuo

責任編輯: 劉詩雨  來源:新唐人 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。

