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太恐怖!美國記者機場染流感 本土檢測卻碰壁


華爾街日報記者機場染流感 檢測卻碰壁 

華爾街日報的聯合國特派記者羅里亞(Joe Lauria)上周因故被困在芝加哥歐海爾機場數小時,並因此感染流感後,一直想搞清楚自己是否罹患H1N1新流感,但即使他因病重在紐約住院隔離了4天,仍是未能如願接受新流感檢測,令他挫折不已,也顯示美國因流感病患太多衛生單位措手不及的亂象。 




  • May 4, 2009, 8:49 AM ET

    Want to Know if You Have Swine Flu? You May Have to Wait.

    reporterWith regular tallying of new cases of A/H1N1 swine flu — as of yesterday it had sickened 898 people around the world — you might think it’s pretty easy to find out if whatever you』ve come down with really is that strain of the flu.

    Not necessarily. Just ask Joe Lauria (pictured), a correspondent who covers the United Nations for the WSJ. He had muscle aches, a cough, chills and a 102-degree fever two days after being stuck for hours in an airport. So he tried to find out where he could be tested for swine flu. He called the city’s 311 helpline, which told him to call the state health-department hotline, which told him to call his doctor, whose office was closed. Then he called an emergency room, which told him to call the city’s information line. You get the idea.

    Lauria eventually ended up at Montefiore Medical Center, where he was put into isolation and recovered. But he still doesn’t know if he had swine flu. Read his full account here.

    New York’s capacity to test for swine flu may improve soon, however. The New York Times reports that the city’s semi-secret biothreat response testing lab early this week will be able to determine if someone has swine flu within five and a half hours. Up to now, samples have had to be flown to the CDC in Atlanta for testing to be done. The CDC has sent New York and some other health departments the ingredients to conclusively test for the flu, NYT says.

    Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly said that the CDC in Atlanta was the only place in the world where testing to determine swine flu was being done before other sites were added recently. Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg was conducting such tests before the new sites were added.

    Photo: Corinna Barnard

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