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「兩會與我何干?」 浙江作家發聲被中共約談

















身在荷蘭的觀察人士林生亮表示, 中共當局在「兩會」期間嚴厲管控異議人士與「改革開放」的精神背道而馳。






 2022年中共二十大期間被杭州拱墅區公安政保安排,由東新派出所警察隨同離開杭州到台州同吃同住,出入跟隨。  2023年杭州第19屆亞運會開幕式期間離開杭州到廈門旅遊,從杭州高鐵站出發至廈門,然後回到杭州東站,都有人跟隨,一路報告行蹤。閉幕式期間也一直被跟蹤。  

2024年3月,著名的全國「兩會」就要召開了,我又要面臨很多壓力。 「兩會」與我有什麼關係?我非人大代表,也非政協委員,也不是拆遷戶、上訪戶和法輪功,我只是一名寫作者,一個非知名網友,為什麼杭州市公安政保卻不肯放鬆對我的維穩監控? 近兩個月來,無論是在家,還是禮拜天參加教會禮拜聚會,經常被拱墅區政保警察張銘、詹明等和東新派出所社區民警毛軍頻頻敲門,頻頻找談話,給我的生活帶來很大的壓力和困擾,我不禁想問:  我手機不能隨意關機嗎?我一定要接對方打來的電話嗎? 我不能隨意離開杭州嗎?離開杭州就要向警察報告?這合法合規嗎?我為什麼不能離開杭州? 我到底犯了哪一條法律法規,必須要頻頻「配合」政保警察的做筆錄的要求?   

每年幾次敏感日,不是被外出,就是被保安貼身跟隨,有必要浪費這個人力物力嗎? 還有「六四」紀念日期間,這天只能和警察在一起嗎?  還有微信朋友圈,六四這天發個帶有六月四日日期和天氣預報的《杭州日報》報紙圖片,就要求自刪帖,有這樣的規定嗎? 我的「待遇」到底是屬於「人民內部矛盾」,還是「敵我矛盾」,還是一般矛盾和沒有矛盾?何時取消類似的維穩措施? …… 如此維穩,是真的維穩嗎?   


昝愛宗 2024年2月27日於杭州


A Brief Statement Before the 「Two Sessions」

I am Zan Aizong, a Chinese writer currently residing in Hangzhou. Despite having no power, influence, or wealth, I find myself classified as a 「key individual」 under the control of the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau's Political Protection Department. While the label of 「key individual」 is far from desirable, it comes with several peculiar 「privileges」: 

During the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in 2022, I was arranged by the Gongshu District Public Security and Stability Maintenance to leave Hangzhou and travel to Taizhou alongside police officers. We shared meals and accommodations, and my movements were closely monitored. In 2023, during the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony, I was tracked while traveling from Hangzhou to Xiamen for tourism via high-speed rail. Be it departing from Hangzhou Railway Station or returning to Hangzhou East Station, I was constantly shadowed, with my whereabouts reported throughout the journey. The surveillance continued during the closing ceremony. 

As March 2024 approaches, the renowned 「Two Sessions」 (National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) are about to convene. Once again, I am facing immense pressure.  But what connection do the Two Sessions have with me? I am neither a delegate to the National People’s Congress nor a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. I am not a displaced resident, petitioner, or Falun Gong practitioner. I am merely a writer—an ordinary netizen. Why does the Hangzhou Public Security Bureau persist in maintaining strict surveillance over me?  Over the past two months, whether at home or attending Sunday church services, I have frequently been visited by police officers from the Gongshu District Stability Maintenance Division, as well as community police officers from the Dongxin Police Station. These interactions have added significant stress and disturbance to my life. I am left with questions: Do I not have the right to turn off my phone at will? Must I always answer incoming calls? Am I not allowed to leave Hangzhou freely? Must I report to the police every time I leave? Is this legal and reasonable? What laws or regulations have I violated that necessitate frequent "cooperation" with the Political Protection police to make statements? 

During 「sensitive days」 every time a year, why do I have to be either escorted outside of town or closely followed by security personnel? Is this allocation of manpower and resources necessary? On the anniversaries of the June Fourth incident, am I only allowed to be in the company of police officers? Regarding my posts on the WeChat Moments, is there a regulation that requires the deletion of posts containing a June 4th date and weather forecast from Hangzhou Daily newspaper images? What category of treatment do I fall under—」internal contradictions among the people,」 「contradictions between enemies and us,」 or 「general contradictions with no conflict」? When will similar stability measures be lifted?… Is such stability maintenance truly maintaining stability?  

There are countless other incidents that cannot be listed here. 




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