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採訪編輯/李韻 後制/葛雷


CCP Central Military Commission Blacklist Exposed

In late March, the Central Military Commission of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) reportedly held a meeting regarding
the "activities of domestic and foreign hostile forces
On the meeting, they gathered all anti-communism individuals
in blacklist both domestic and abroad; as well as assignments on cracking down issues.
The targeted organizations and individuals in China and
overseas who have been blacklisted are now categorized into three groups for the purpose of controlling and attacking.

Hong Kong's Trends magazine reported on a meeting held
in late March at the CCP's Central Military Commission camp in Beijing.
The meeting was aimed at 「the activities of hostile forces
at home and abroad, and at the international anti-China and anti-communist organizations."
The participants included the Central Political and Legal
Affairs Committee (PLAC), the Central Stability Preservation
Office, the Central Committee for Comprehensive
Management of Social Order, the Ministry of Public Security,
the Ministry of State Security, the General Staff Security
Department, among others.
The chiefs from central ministries, provincial PLACs,
provincial departments of public security, state safety,
and from provincial stability preservation offices attended
the meeting.

The meeting reportedly passed a resolution to create
a regular data file for the black listed.
Its range covers organizations and individuals within
the territory, who fall into three categories for control.
Each year, it is now required that a periodic updated report
be submitted to superior authorities.

Coverage of the Level-I blacklist includes international anti-
communist organizations, or "hostile forces" as defined by the CCP.

Level-II blacklist covers individuals who have published
anti-communist articles for scholarly, religious, or seminar purposes.

The Level-III blacklist includes "liberal" and "democracy"
activists and dissidents who openly hold differing political views than the CCP's.

Hu Jun, sponsor of the Human Rights Campaign in China
organization, criticizes the official definition of "hostile forces."
"It is senseless and it covers too large a group," he says.

Jun Hu: "The real factor causing the CCP's collapse shall not
be those who hope for the realization of constitutional democracy in China,
because they are responsible, conscious people, thinking about
the Chinese people, the nation and China's future prosperity.
The CCP's system itself is the exact root of its disastrous
demise. We should get a clear sense of this."

Li Wei, a Yunnan-based Liberal activist, reviews the news.

"It is the PLAC's internal data and now it has been released
It is very likely that Jiang's clique intentionally released
the news, aiming to reduce pressure on Zhou Yongkang," Li analyzes.

Li Wei: "In this way, the PLAC's liability is shifted onto other
departments and their chiefs.
This actually helps Zhou Yongkang to reduce stress due
to the leaked news regarding his coup plot with Bo Xilai.
Now that Chen Guangcheng has escaped, Zhou has hardly
been able to bear it.
The news was released to help him breathe again.
But the problem is, the fabrication is absurd."

The meeting also revealed that over 1,560 "illegal"
political organizations have been outlawed since 2003.
422 organizations and 5,772 individuals in China and
overseas have been blacklisted as of the end of February 2012.

Li Wei thinks this data shows a serious (inaccurate) decrease.

Li Wei: "Over the decades, thousands of pro-democracy
activists alone have gone overseas.
There are more Falun Gong practitioners overseas,
nearly everywhere around the world.
The CCP denies visas to both Chinese and western
Falun Gong practitioners who are living abroad.
It fears that they will shout "Falun Dafa is good"
in Tiananmen Square.
So how could a CCP blacklist cover less than 6,000

Hu Jun points out that it is Zhou Yongkang who is
the true anti-China force.
Over the years, he has endlessly committed crimes
via bloody crushing of the Chinese people.
He has committed numerous bloody crimes against
Falun Gong and dissidents.
No matter how it (the CCP) releases the news, Zhou
Yongkang will never escape demise, says Hu Jun.




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