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——《關於北韓》之一:金正日之死 -- 魏京生

















On North Korea (part I): The Death of Kim Jong-il

-- Wei Jingsheng



Kim Jong Il is dead.  Many people are clapping and cheering; a lot of people are worried; some people are strategizing.  Dumbfounding photos emerged on the front pages of the world's major newspapers: a large number of the North Korean people crying down to the ground.  This scene makes a lot of Chinese recall the scenes after Mao Zedong's death in 1976.


Humans are a very strange creatures.  On the one hand people hate tyranny and dictatorship, on the other hand they treat the tyrants and dictators like gods.  This state is common to most people, though these who hate completely and those who worship these tyrants completely are just minorities.  Shortly after Mao Zedong's death, his wife was arrested and the whole of China celebrated.  This change proves that only a minority really worshiped Mao as the god.  The April 5 Movement in 1976 before Mao's death was easily suppressed by the wood sticks in the hands of the workers militia for the government, so proving that the clear minded people who escaped being fooled were also a minority.


Now the North Korean people are in the same type of mentality as the Chinese in 1976.  The Westerners do not fully understand this Stockholm syndrome for a whole nation.  They just rely on superficial phenomena to think that the North Korean people still love their third generation emperor.  Following the action of the Chinese government, they also released statements in support of Kim Jong-un, the young grandson emperor, and expressed wishes that this quasi-emperor system of North Korea would have a steady succession.  This support proves from the side that the Western countries do not understand their opponents at all.  No wonder they always lose their battles in the hands of a small dictator in North Korea.


Even now, some Westerners still say that Deng Xiaoping led China out of Mao Zedong's model, and they hope the grandson of the Kim Dynasty in North Korea will lead people into a China Model as well.  This hope is a great misunderstanding, but it might be a misunderstanding that scores a lucky hit.  Just similar to the situation in China then, there has been an accumulating mood of resistance within the North Koreans for a long time that is not lacking of their own leaders for the people.  However, under the Communist system, it is impossible to gather enough funds to organize without external support.  They can only wait for a reform initiative from within the Communist Party, and thus will only fall into a new trap.


Back then, the Chinese people supported one faction within the Communist Party to overthrow Mao's successors.  Hua Guofeng did not want to change Mao's system, so the people had to support Deng Xiaoping to overthrow Hua Guofeng.  Thus, China missed the opportunity of revolution and entered the dictatorial era of Deng Xiaoping.  Deng was very wise to meet half of the desires of the people, while meeting half of the desires of the big capitalists in the West, thus creating the so-called China Model.  Under the slogan of "all the capitalists in the world united", Deng was able to stabilize the one-party dictatorship in the post-Mao era.


Now, the Western capitalists hope North Korea will also become another China.  That is because their good fortune in China is beginning to see the end.  Therefore, as soon as there is a change in North Korea, they are eager to promote and guide public opinion to make the 3rd emperor in North Korea embark on the road of the China Model.  They do not want the Korean peninsula unified on the road of democracy and freedom.  The German reunification once was their burden.  It was not as lucrative as North Korea would be in a China Model.  This plan is the wishful thinking of Western big business and politicians, and also some South Korean politicians.


But North Korea and China are different.  North Korea is not an independent sovereign state that could survive on its own.  It is largely controlled by China as a pawn to restrain the United States, Japan and South Korea in international politics.  China controls North Korea by supporting this country that is not economically independent.  Once North Korea conducts a China Model style reform, once it has enough financial strength to support itself, why should it undermine its international credibility by taking the high risk of doing things for the Chinese Communist Party?  Even without studying abroad to learn, they will not be willing to play the role of an international rogue.


The era of Kim Jong Il had been more difficult than under his father.  It has been sort of like the late Cultural Revolution period in China.  The fairy tale of Communism maybe believed for one generation, but it is hard to maintain by the second generation.  Authoritarian politics that contradicts the fairy tale will create discontent just as it did in the later period of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.  Sabotage and irresponsibility are bound deteriorate the economy, which in turn will increase the discontent among the people.  How to escape from this vicious cycle?  There is the Chinese-style reform nearby that can serve as an example, so why not?  There are three reasons for not learning from that example.


The first is depends on if the Chinese-style reforms can maintain the one-party Communist dictatorship of the Workers' Party of Korea.  It is hard to tell in the early stages.  Back then, the Chinese Communist Party was forced to try in an effort to avoid collapse.  But the Kim dynasty still has its support and could maintain itself through the aid from China.  Therefore, there is no anxiousness to take the risk.


In addition, North Korea is facing more competition than China did.  South Korea continues to want a unified Korea.  Once unified, the Communist Party will have a very hard time maintaining its power in a democratic framework.  China is much larger than Taiwan, and Taiwan was not democratic back in 1976, thus not a threat to the Chinese Communist Party.  But North Korea is just the opposite.  South Korea is more powerful than North Korea and is democratic as well, thus is much more attractive to people in North Korea than the attraction of Taiwan to Mainland Chinese back then.  Should North Korea start economic reform, it is bound to be under the control of South Korea.  This an important consideration causing the Kim father and son emperors to not dare to reform.


Yet, the most important of all is the attitude of China.  Either from economic or security considerations, China is backing North Korea.  Moreover, with an increase of quality and quantity of the assistance, North Korea has become an adopted son to Communist China.  Although both Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il had modest attempts of reform, they only dared to open the crack of reform toward China.  Thus, the result was not what they were seeking from the reform; they only became more dependent on China.


The Chinese Communist Party has taken great advantage of this mentality of Emperor Kim and his son.  After several decades of operation, the result has been that China keeps North Korea at heal to be the international rogue and to take high-risk actions for the Chinese Communist's strategic goals.  In other words, North Korea is playing a proxy war on behalf of China in international politics.  It continuously makes trouble for the international community, forcing it to make bargains with the Chinese Communist regime while China reaps the political benefits.  In this situation, will China allow North Korea to develop its economy in the China Model?


No one is willing to throw away a trump card in his or her hands.  The answer is obvious.  Does North Korea have the opportunity to walk away from its status of puppet emperor?  I will talk more on this issue.




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