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    A car which crashed into a church roof in Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany. The 23-year-old driver from Chemnitz was severely injured in the accident. According to the police he missed a turn ? obviously driving too fast ? continued straight ahead on a slightly rising field and then 'took off' to land in the church roof

    Emergency forces rescue a man from his car, which he had crashed into a church roof in Limbach-Oberfrohna, Germany
    Photograph: Michael Pape/EPA
    以上二圖均來源於 Michael Pape/歐洲新聞圖片社

    A lorry wedged in the doors of the Stena Voyager ferry bound for Belfast, after it returned to the Scottish port of Stranraer
    Photograph: PATV/PA
    一輛卡車撞入了渡輪大門,該船名為Stena Voyager ,駛往貝爾法斯特,彼時它正在蘇格蘭港口斯特蘭瑞爾停歇。

    A lorry wedged in the doors of the Stena Voyager ferry bound for Belfast
    Photograph: Maritime and Coastguard Agency/PA
    一輛卡車撞上了駛往貝爾法斯特的Stena Voyager 渡輪

    A van driver walked away unhurt after overturning his vehicle and narrowly missing a canal.The accident happened between Bierton and Bedgrove, in Buckinghamshire, causing rush hour traffic to grind to a halt
    Photograph: /Manchester Evening News Syndication
    這起事故中,司機已安全從翻倒的車中離開,該車險些駛入運河。車禍發生在白金漢郡的Bierton 和 Bedgrove之間,並造成了高峰期的交通堵塞。

    A van careered off a mountain road and ended up balanced on a cliff edge. The vehicle plunged down a rock face in Colorado and dangled on a precipice 170ft from the ground. He tried to balance the weight of the van but in his confusion climbed onto the back seat which was already hanging off the cliff. Rescue crews managed to manoeuvre him from the van and up the cliff face before he was airlifted to hospital where he received treatment for minor injuries
    Photograph: CB2/ZOB/WENN.com




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