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In March23,2015 seventh days to Beijing in USA Washington embassy protests in Beijing city of Fengtai District Nanyuan Jupai Chinese Xiang Shi Liu Zhuang Cun illegal violence blood removed for his money, such acts, Secretary of countryside Party committee, District Secretary of the Work Committee:"Wang Zhenhua" is the Nanyuan Xiang blood removed behind the underworld eldest brother, is a large number of flies, Beijing pomegranate Zhuang Li Huanjun hope in the United States China embassy ambassador Cui Tiankai and related staff to investigate the facts and the thorough investigation of Beijing City, Fengtai District Nanyuan Xiang underworld, also min Tai Ping Life, legal property also pomegranate Zhuang village Lee Huan Jun and sister Li Meiqing to content

責任編輯: 白梅  來源:楊佳論壇 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
