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北京憶通律師事務所 劉曉原律師:「法律上是沒有這種公訴團的程序形式的,並且作為一個普通的民主是不能提起公訴。公訴是檢查機關的責任,因為檢察機關是代表國家。他們不可能進入法律程序,除非他們提出控告。」





中共前總書記趙紫陽的秘書 鮑彤:「茅于軾先生批評毛澤東,我覺得是好事;《烏有之鄉》告到法院去,也是好事情;法院如果不受理,是好事情;如果受理也是好事情,公開審判,辯方、控方大家把意見拿出來,不都是好事情嗎?好極了!」




Indictment Against Mao Yushi

Renowned liberal economist Mao Yushi was called
for a public prosecution by Chinese leftists
due to his article 「Unveil Mao Zedong's True Face」.
According to Chinese lawyers, such a prosecution
is groundless. People in China hope to hear the truth
from history and see the court trials live on TV.

On April 27, liberal economist Mao Yushi published
his 「Unveil Mao Zedong's True Face」, responding
to CCP (Chinese Communist Party) scholar
Xin Zilin's 「Merits and Demerits of Mao Zedong」,
a book revealing the truth of Mao's massacre
of millions of Chinese people and destruction
of traditional Chinese culture. This book
was reprinted massively after its publication.

Chinese leftist site, Utopia, published on May 23,
an indictment against Mao Yushi and Xin Zilin.
Mao's relatives also contributed to the indictment.
They accused Yushi of defaming CCP and Mao
and subversion of state power, leading to unrest.

Liu Xiaoyuan (Beijing lawyer): 「In the law,
there is no procedure for such a prosecution group,
and ordinary citizens can not issue an indictment.
It is the supervision department's responsibility
to issue an indictment, as it represents the country.
They have to indict before going to law procedures.」

Lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan thinks they intentionally draw
media attention in a Cultural Revolution manner.

CCP historian Lin Baohua noted that after 30 years
of Mao Zedong's death, leftists remain evident
among Chinese people due to CCP' battle to prevent
the public from knowing the true history.

Lin Baohua: 「To promote or deny Mao's principles
is still a dilemma within the CCP and the society.
Full denial of Mao would mean Mao and followers
are proved wrong, therefore CCP is inclined
to continue covering up Mao's true face.」

Mao Zedong has been the top leader of CCP
from Zunyi's meeting in 1935 to his death in 1976.
In the interim 70 million Chinese people were killed,
and political movements were constantly held
from 1949 to 1976. Half of the Chinese families
were affected during the Cultural Revolution alone.

Pao Tong (secretary of ex-CCP leader Zhao Ziyang):
「It is good that Mao Yushi criticizes Mao Zedong,
and that Utopia goes to the court as well.
It would be good if the court refuses the case,
and if accepts it, this would also be a good,
as the trial process will be under public scrutiny,
which is just what we want.」

A picture, 「Mao Zedong In Repentance」 appeared
on Sina.com when the leftists made their indictment.
It features a bronze statue of Mao on his knees,
with his right hand on the chest, in deep repentance.

Lin Baohua said to the leftists that if indictments are
to be made, it is best to be done on live TV with
the whole court process exposed to the public eye.

Lin Baohua: 「If Mao's sins are to be itemized,
it would take loads of books to get it done.
CCP won't dare do this,
as if this is ever published, CCP will be done for.」

責任編輯: 王和  來源:新唐人電視 轉載請註明作者、出處並保持完整。
